Richard Gardner was born in about 1570 of Cropredy. He married Agnes (Anne) Hickman 18 February 1593 in Cropredy.

Richard Gardner marriage

Marriage record for Richard Gardner and Anne Hickman in Cropredy:
"Rychard Gardner and Anne Hyckman were married the the xviijth of February"

Agnes was the daughter of James and Gylyan Hytcheman. She died in about 1600.

Richard next married Alice Densie, the daughter of Thomas Densie and Elizabeth Gyll, on 29 January 1601 in Cropredy.

Richard Gardner marriage

Marriage record for Richard Gardner and Alice Densie in Cropredy:
"Richard Garner and Alyce Densie were maryed the 29 of Janiarie"

Richard died and was buried 1 November 1633 in Cropredy.

Richard Gardner burial

Burial record for Richard Gardner in Cropredy:
"Richard Gardner was buried the first daye of November 1633"

Richard left an inventory:

Richard Gardner inventory

Inventory of Richard Gardner. 1634

A true inventory of the linnenes beddinges brasse & pewter of Richard Gardner of Litle Borton deceased

Imprimis the lynnes - xls
Item lyillinges & blanckits - xls
Item three woole beds - xxs
Item certeyne pillowes & bolsters - xs
Item brasse & pewter - ls
Som - viijli

Richard and Agnes had the following:

1. John, christened 9 March 1594 in Cropredy.

*2. Anne, christened 15 April 1599 in Cropredy; married Richard Batchelor 7 May 1621 in Cropredy.

Anne Gardner burial 

Baptism record for Anne Gardner in Cropredy: "Anne Gardner the daughter of Richard Gardner & Agnes Gardner was christened the xvth Aprill"

Richard and Alice had the following children:


1. Jhon, christened 14 April 1602 in Cropredy.

2. Elizabeth, christened 29 April 1604 in Cropredy.

*3. Dorcas, christened 10 February 1605 in Cropredy; married Thomas Gill; buried 4 January 1670 in Cropredy.

4. Deborah, christened 22 October 1609 in Cropredy.

5. Moyses, christened 26 January 1612 in Cropredy.

SOURCES: Cropredy parish register; IGI;


Robert Gardner was born in about 1540 of Cropredy. He married Alice.

Robert and Alice had the following children:

1. George, not married; "George Gardner a husbandman of Great Bourton who died in 1591 never married and had several living in staff, he mentions Jilian Hunt and Alice Denzey the daughter of John Denzey." George was buried 12 May 1591 in Cropredy, leaving a will: "In the name of God Amen the eighte and twentithe daye of Aprill in the three and thirtithe yere of the Raigne of oure Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth Quene: I George Gardner of Greate Burton in the Countie of Oxon and in ye parishe of Cropridye beinge sicke in bodie but perfect of memorye thanks be given to God revoking all other former willes do make and ordeyne this my last will and testament in manner and forme folowinge First I bequeathe my soule to Almightie God my Creator hoping of a joyfull resurrection having a full assurance and trust onlie to be saved by the deathe of Jesus Christe. I do will that my bodie may be buried in the Churche of Cropredie. Imprimus I give towards the repaire of the same churche three shillings fower pence. Item I give to every cottager in Burton aforesaied twelve pence. Item I give to every of my godchildren twelve pence. Item I give to the poore of Cropredye to be distributed by the discretion of myne executors tenne shillings. Item I give and grannte unto Nicholas Gardner sonne of my brother Thomas Gardner my peece of grounde called Hardwicke peece with thappurtances thereunto belonging which I boughte of Mr Anthony Cope to have and to houlde the same peece of grounde called Hardwick peece with thappurtenances unto the saied Nicholas Gardner his executor administrator and assignes from the feaste of Sanncte Michaell tharchanngel next after my decease unto the ende and tearme of twentie and one yeres then next and ymediatlie fullie to be complete and ended for the yerelie rente of fower pence: willing that my executors by virtue of this my last will and tesstamente shall seale and deliver unto the saied Nicholas Gardener a good and sufficient indenture of lease for the contynewance of the foresaied tearme of yeres according to the tenor and effect of this my saied last will and tetamente in manner and forme above recited. Item I give and bequeathe the inheritance of the foresaied peece of ground called Hardwicke peece ymmediatlie after the end and expiraction of the aforesaied tearme of one and twentie yeres unto Thomas Hollwaye of Cropredye vycar and Thomas Gardner of Adderbury gentleman and to theire heires for ever to be devided between them in as lardge and ample manner and forme as my writing from Mr Cope to specific (my former grannte onlie excepted). Item I give more unto the saied Nicholas Gardner in wood bourdes and other houshould stuffe to the value of tenne poundes or els ten poundes of lawfull money of England at the choice of the saied Nicholas. And more twoe quarters of barley wherof I will that William Gardener his brother shall paie hym one quarter out of thalfe yarde land croppe hereafter mencyoned the abovenamed Thomas Hollwaye halfe a quarter and the above named Thomas Gardner the other halfe quarter. Item I give grannte and bequeathe unto William Gardner sonne of the saied Thomas Gardner my brother in full satisfaction of all accompts between hym and me: myne indenture of lease from Thomas Goodwyn and all the particulars therin conteyned concerning the barne close orchard backside and halfe yarde lande with thappurtenances which I houlde from the saied Thomas Goodwyn together with all my righte title interest tearme of yeres and demanndes thereunto: to have and to hold and enjoye the saied indenture of lease with all the perticulars therein conteyned together with all my righte title interest tearme of yeres and demannde therein and the croppe of corne and grayne theron growing ymmediatlie from and after my decease for and duringe the residue of the tearme of yeres in the same indenture mencyoned then to come and unexpired unto the saied William Gardner his executors administrators and assignes. Item I give and bequeathe more unto the saied William Gardner tenne poundes of awfull English money. Item I give and bequeathe unto Strannge Gardner the son of Thomas Gardner the somme of sixe poundes thirteen shillinges fower pence of lawfull English money to be put out to use for his preferment by my executors and to be paied to hym at his age of sixteene yeres. I give to Thomas Gardner my godsonne and sonne of my brother Thomas Gardner twentie shillinges. Item I give and bequeathe unto Peter Gardner my brother for the preferment of hym selfe and his children amongst them the somme of twentie poundes of like lawfull monie. Item I give unto Richard Gardner my brother tenne poundes of like lawfull monie. Item I give and bequeathe unto Samuell Rowland of Chipping Norton my sisters sonne the somme of twentie poundes of like lawfull money of England for the preferment of hym and his children. Item I give unto my Sister Alice her children to be equally devided amongst them the saied Alice my sister havinge a porcon therof other twentie poundes of like lawfull money. Item I give unto my Sister Mary Wolters children each of them twentie shillinges. Moreover whereas my executors ar to yealde a sufficient securitie for the annuitie or yerelie rente of ten poundes to be paied unto Julian Hunte yerelie duringe the tearme of her natural life. I will and my will ys that myne executors shall within one monethe next after my decease paie and deliver the somme of an hundred poundes of lawfull money of England into the hands and possession of the saied Samuel Rowland and William Gardner my kynnesmen to eache of them fiftie poundes taking and recyvinge of them and eache of them good reasonable and sufficient securitie for the payment of five poundes a yere from eache of them duringe the natural life of the saied Julian Hunte: And they the saied Samuell and William to bringe twoe other persons besides them selves each of them twoe psons known in the Countie where they dwell to enter into bondes unto my executors for the true payment of the saied annuitie unto the saied Julian Hunte and her assignes yerelie and in every yere duringe her natural life at twoe or fower feastes for tearmes in the yeare by the discretion of my executors. And after the decease of the saied Julian Hunte. I give and bequeathe the saied hundred poundes unto the saied Samuell Rowland and William Gardner equallie between them and theire heires and assignes for ever. Item I give and bequeathe unto Mr Thomas Gardner his sonne of Adderbury sixe poundes thirteene shillinges and fower pence to buy hym a nagge: which money the saied Thomas Gardner oweth me: Item a will that Pratt my man may have fower pounde his wages which I owe hym. And John Silver my man his wages dulie to be proved. Also I give unto every of my servanntes nowe beyinge over and above theire due wages five shillinges. Item I give unto Alice Densey the daughter of John Densye an heifer of twoe yeres olde and better. Item I give unto Julian Hunte the feather bed she broungte with her. Item I give unto the children of William Vaughen which he had by this woman to be equallie distributed amongst them twentie shillinges. Item I give unto William Ladbrooke five poundes in full satistaccon of all other reckoning claymes or lawfull demanndes whatsoever. Item I give unto Gamaliell Hollwaye sonne of the abovenamed Thomas Holwaye sixe poundes thirteen shillinges fower pence to be set unto his preferrmente by the discretion of his father. And whereas my servannte Cleydon did sell to Rowland Varden amonge my wooll twoe toddes of wooll price twentie shillinges a to, viz: fortie shillinges: I do will that Varden paying the debts the saied Cleydoon shall have his money out of it: because the bond was made whollye to me. Item I give unto the saied Thomas Hollwaye of Cropredye vicar and Thomas Gardner of Adderbury gentleman to eache of them twentie poundes whom I make and ordeyne myne executors to gather and receive my debtes: and performe this my will: Item I will and my will is that yf any person or persons to whom any porcon of legacy hereby bequeathed shall departe this life before he she or they receive yt then that shall remayne to the assignes of the partie or parties so deceased. And I will that all the money hereby bequeathed shalbe paied within sixe monethes after my decease. Item I lastelie will that all and singular my goodes moveable an unmoveable cattells and chattells hereby not given or bequeathed after my debtes and legaceys paied and performed all things belonging to my funeral dischardged shalbe equallie distributed and parted amonge the said Thomas Hollway vicar Thomas Gardner gentleman Samuell Rowland William Gardner my kinnesman: my brother Peter my Sister Alice and my cozin Nicholas Gardner by equall portons according to the quantitie therof. Item I make overseers of this my last will and testament Samuell Rowland and William Gardner and for that to each of them I give tenne shillinges theise present and witnesses Mr Thomas Hollwaye Robert Bache script: Samuell Rowland William Gardner"

*2. Thomas, married Ellyn; of Williamscott in Wardington. Ellyn left a will in 1559 naming sons William, Thomas, Nicholas, John and daughter Isabell: "In the name of God Amen, the xth daye of September anno dom 1558, I Ellyn Garnar, sicke of bodie, but pfett of remembrance do make my last will and testament as foloweth, ffirst I bequethe my soule to God and my bodie to be buried in the church yard of Wardinton. I geve to the hight aulter iiijd. And to the belle iiijd. I geve to Nicholas my sone a brasse panne and iij peces of pewter. I geve to Thomas my sone a brasse potte and iij peces of pewter. I geve to John Garner, Nicholas and Isabell either of theym one shepe. I geve to Thomas Garner my sonne one heyfore. I geve my brynded cowes at Burton to Alys Foxe. All the rest of my goodes not bequethes I geve to Thomas Foxe whome I make my full executor thes beinge wyttness, Thomas Lays, preist, John Elkington and John Thorncraft"

3. William

4. John, married Anne Bekingham in 1589; husbandman of Little Bourton; buried 11 February 1591 in Cropredy, leaving an inventory.

5. Peter

*6. Richard, married 1) Anne Hickman 18 February 1593 in Cropredy; married 2) Alice Densie 29 January 1601 in Cropredy; died 1 November 1633 in Cropredy.

7. Alice

8. Mary, married Mr. Wolters.    

Gardner Pedigree

Descendants of Robert and Alice Gardner of Cropredy - both Justinian Southam and Lucy Hunt were descended from Robert and Alice Gardner:
Justinian through both Thomas and Ellyn Gardner to Nicholas and Elizabeth Gardner to their daughter Anne who married William Sherman,
and also from Richard Gardner and Anne Hickman's daughter Agnes (Anne) who married Richard Batchelor.
Lucy Hunt was descended from Richard Gardner and Alice Densie's daughter Dorcas Gardner who married Thomas Gill.