Richard Robins was born in about 1565 of Mollington, Oxfordshire.
Richard was listed as a scholar at Williamscot in 1575, so was
probably about ten years old.
Scholars from Mollington at Williamscott School in 1575
Richard married Alice in about 1592. Richard was a yeoman in
The Robins family was mentioned in a history of Mollington: "The
tenurial structure was probably fairly stable, with families such
as the Woodhulls and Grevilles remaining dominant, though not
outstandingly prosperous: the farmhouses seem to have been modest
for the area, since for the hearth tax of 1665 the Grevilles were
assessed on only 3 hearths, Thomas Woodhull on 2, and the houses
of the Robbins and Elkington families also on 2; only
Anthony Woodhull occupied a large house assessed on 7 hearths. A
selection of 17th-century probate inventories, however, shows that
the leading families were more prosperous than their houses would
suggest, and members of the Kilby, Elkington, and Robbins families,
for instance, each left personalty at their deaths valued at over
£120. Farming was mixed, and the chief crops were barley, wheat,
hay, peas; there was a wide range of stock. A large amount of
dairy equipment was kept, a sign that butter- and cheese-making
were carried out for sale and not only for home use. Richard
Robbins (d. 1624) seems also to have had a weaving interest
since he left woollen and linen yarn and 16 lb. of spun hair in
his garner." (British History Onine - Mollington)
Richard Robins and Anthony Woodhull were listed in a lease of 20
March 1602, titled "Lease from Anthony Woodhull, Mollington, and
Richard Robins, Mollington, of property in Mollington".
The description of the lease was: "Concerns a messuage and a
yardland in Mollington in the possession of George Woodhull and
previously in the occupation of William Robins and earlier
in the possession of Leonard Woodhull, to be held for 50 years at
the annual rent of eighteen shillings. Marked 'Richard
Robbings first lease'". (Warwickshire County Record Office,
CR0457/54/5) It is likely that William Robins is Richard's
Richard acted as a witness for the will of Richard Elkington in
Signature of Richard Robins in 1622
Richard died and was buried 13 June 1624 in Mollington.
Burial record for Richard Robins in Mollington: "Richearde
Robines wase buryed the xiijth of June"
Richard left a will dated 1624.
Will of Richard Robins of Mollington, 1624
In the name of God Amen the xviijth daye of Maye in the yeare of
our Lord God one thowsand six hundred twenty & fower I Richard
Robbins of Mollington in the counties of Oxon & Warwick
yeoman being sick in bodye but in good & pfect remembrance
thankes be given to Allmightie God doe ordaine and make this my
laste will and testament in manner and forme followeinge, that is
to saye First I give and bequeath my soule unto Allmightye God my
Creator and Redeemer and I doe verylye hope that by the death and
passion of Christ Jesus my soule shabee saved and my bodye to be
buryed in the churchyard in Mollington aforesaide. Item I give and
bequeath unto Alice Robbins my weife for the tearme of
her life the occupacion benefit & pfitt of the messuages or
tenement wherein I nowe live, and of a yardelande thereto
belongeing for and of all the landes tenements and hereditaments
as well two holde as baseholde and of all leases or lands or tyths
to mee due with all & singuler their appurtenances sett lyinge
& beinge within the towne & fields of Mollington
aforesaide (doeinge no waste). And after her decease then my will
is that my saide messuage or tenement and all other my saide
landes & tenements with theire appurtenances shall remaine
defende and come to the use and behest of my sonnes hereafter
named that is to saye I give unto Richard Robbins my
eldest sonne the saide messuage or tenement wherein I now
live with all barnes stables howses edifices buildings cloase and
backsyde thereto belngeing and one yardland & a meadowecloase
in weste meadows to the same messuage belongeinge with theire
appurtances & one halfe yardlande which I lately purchaset of
Thomas Clerridge withal pfitts and commodities to the said
messuage or tenement and to the said yardlande & halfe
belongeinge or appeasemeinge unto the saide Richard Robbins and
his heires forever. And I give unto my saide sonne Richard all the
lease lande with ye holde of Mr Anthony Wodhull during the
remainder of the terme in the saide lease or leases menconed, and
alsoe of one halfyardlande & the tyth which holde of Sir
Thomas Temple knight. Item I give & bequeath unto Anthonye
Robbins my seconde sonne & to his heires & assignes
for ever all that messuage or tenement, cloase, orchard, garden,
and all other the appurtenances thereto belongeinge apperteineinge
sett lyinge and beinge within the towne of Mollington aforesaide
in the County of Warwick, and now in the tenure or occupacion of
one John Adkins & called and known by the names of John Lambes
howse. Item I give and bequeath unto William Robbins my
youngeste sonne & to his heires for and all that twooe
yardlande meadow or cloase in weste meadowe with all the
appurtenances thereto belongeinge commonly called by the name of
Haines his cloase. And my will is that if either the said Anthony
or William doe dye before my weife that then his legacye shall
remaine to the survivor & his heires. Item I give and bequeath
unto Edwarde Robbins one other of my sonnes the summe of
twentye poundes of lawfull money of Englande to bee paide unto him
or his assignes within six yeares next after my decease. Item I
give to Anne Robbins my daughter the like summe of twentye
pounds of lawfull money of Englande to bee paide unto her or her
assignes within twooe yeares after my decease. Item I give unto my
daughter Elizabeth Robbins the like summe of twentye poundes
of like lawfull English money to bee paide unto her or her
assignes within foure yeares after my decease. And my will is that
yf my said sonne Edwarde or either of my daughters doe dye and
departe this lyfe and be not marryed with the consent of my said
weife before their legacies bee due to bee paide that then his or
theire legacies soe dyinge shall remaine & payde unto the
survivor or survyors and equally devyded between them. Item I give
unto Richard Woodhull my grandchild one yewe shipp. Item I
give unto my brothers sonne Richard Robbins my godchild
one heyfor of twoe yeares olde. Item I give unto Anne Woodhull
my grandchild one yewe shipp. Item I give unto the poore of
the towne in Mollington aforesaide xxs to be distributed at my
buryall by the discrecion of my executrix. Item I give towards the
repaire of the Church vs. Item my will is that my said weife shall
leave at her decease unto my sonne Richard Robbins twoe iron bound
cartes, three beasts, five horses and thirtye sheepe. And yf it
please God that my saide weife doe dye before shee have paide unto
my saide sonne Edward & my saide daughters Anne &
Elizabeth their portions of xxli a peece to them for all ye by mee
given & bequeathed, then my will is my said sonne Richard
Robbins after her decease shall satisfye and paye unto him, her,
or them as shalbee unpaid theire whole legacye or legacies above
bequeathed. And moreover it is my will & true meaninge that yf
it please God my said sonne Richard doe departe this lyfe before
my weife & not in state of the messuage or tenement & the
yardeland and halfe and of all other legacyes to him bequeathed
that then the saide messuage & the yardelande & halfe
& of all other his legacyes shall remaine and descend to his
next eldest brother & to his heires. And likewise his nexte
eldest brothers legacye shall descend & come to his other
brother or brothers then survyveinge and bee equallye devyded
between. Item all the reste of my goodes & chattells
whatsoever or wheresoever to mee due & unbequethed I doe
fullye & wholly give & bequeath unto my saide weife whom I
doe make my sole & full executrix of this my last will &
testament to see my debts paide & all legacyes dischardyed and
my will pformed according to my true meaninge. And I doe hereby
utterlye revocke and annul all former wills heretofore by mee made
or caused to bee made. And lastlye I doe nominate & appointe Edwarde
Woodhull my sonninlawe and Richard Elkinton thelder
overseers of this my laste will & testament to see it pformed
accordingly, and I doe give to eich of them for theire paines
therein xijd. Yn witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my
hand and sett my seale the daye & yeare firste above written
in the presence of Richard Downes, Edward Woodhull
Inventory for Richard Robins of Mollington, 1624
An inventory was taken for Richard:
A true ynventorye of all the goods & chattells of Richard
Robbins of Mollington within the Counties of Oxon and Warwick
yeoman deceased taken the sixteenth daye of June in the yeare of
our Lord God one thowsand six hundred twentye & foure by us
whose names are here underwritten. In the halhouse Imprimis in the halhowse a joind cubborde a table and frame a
forme & bench: a furnitchurre a joind cheste six cushions some
stooles with other implements – xxs In the chamber next the hall Imprimus twoo bedsteedes painted cloathes aboute them twoo
coverlets blanquets & other things aboute them a pousse &
iiij chests – xxxs In the chamber over the same Item ij bedsteedes with theire furniture iij boye tubs with
other implementes – xxs In the buttery Imp vij barrels, ij benches iij shelves viij little botteles
one dauthen bottle with other necessaires – xxs In the chamber over the hall Imp a joindbed & a plainebedsteed ij coverlettes iij
blaquetes, ij woollbeds, sixteine paire of sheetes five
tablecloathes ij dossen of napkins a tableborde and paire of
tressles & ij towels – vjli In the chamber of the kitchin Imp a gardner & iiij quarter of mault wollen yarne &
linen yarne, sixteen pound of spun haire ij felt tubs with other
implements – vli In the kitchen Imp a maulte mill a cheesepresse iij kevers, a dry pott a
dishframe, a meshfatt, a woshtubb, poure pailes iiij loomes, iiij
mille kevers, five cheesfats & one huter woodedishes j dossen
of pewter spoones, ten pewter platters five saucers, one
brassepann, iij kettells, iij brasse potts five shovel &
toungs a paire of bellowes, ij brasse candlesticks five plitches
of Bachon, pothooks & hangers, with other implements spit
& cobberds – vli Item woode & coals – ij vis viijd Item in the cautehowse iij cartes iij harrowes ij plowes with
theire furniture & plow timber vijli In the stable Item a carterope horsloggers fetters & locks xs Item vij horses & marres, one yeare olde calte and the
cowes horsharnes with other implements – xxiiijli Imp viij cowes ij yeare old heyfors iiu weaning calves – xxli Item fourscore & eighteine sheepe – xxxvili Corne in the barne Item corne to thresh by extimacon – vjli Item strawe & haye – xxxjs Item pease iiij stirkes – iiijs Corne & haye soweing Item x ricks rackes & pickforkes – xs Item corne & haye of ij yardeland & a halfe xli Hoggs Item five hoggs & viij sowe swine iij hoggtrowes & a
horse trowe & iiij henns & a cock – iij li Item a sheep racks & hurdles & ij ladders – xs Item his apparel saddle bridle bootes & spurs – iiijli Item certaine goods in the howse wher one John Lambe lately
dwell viz a bedsteed & flagmatt some loose bordes over a thee
chamber a forme & benches and longe the other shorte a hovel
& panders with a flearche & certaine poles – viiijs iiijd Somme total is – 176li is Richard Downes Richard Elkinton Edward Woodhull Thomas Haines
Alice died and was buried 12 July 1633 in Mollington.
Burial record of Alice Robins in Mollington: "Alice Robins widdoe was buried the 12th daye of Julye Ano
Dim - 1633"
Alice left a will dated 1631.
Will of Alice Robins, widow of Mollington, 1631
In the name of God Amen: the fowerth day of October Anno Dm 1631
I Alice Robines of Mollington in the Countye of Oxon
widdowe beinge in pfect health and memory thanks be to Allmighty
God doe make and ordayne this my last will & testament in
manner & forme followeinge, First I commit my soule into the
hands of Allmighty God my maker, hopeinge and assuredly
beleiveinge that thorough the merritts death & passion of
Jesus Christ my Saviour my sinnes and fully remitted &
forgiven & the marcyfull favor of God soe fully purchased unto
mee that when these my days of mortallitye shall receive their
ends I shalbe made a ptaker of everlasting life in his heavenly
kingdome. My body I commit to the earth willinge it be decently
buryed in the church yard of Mollington aforesaid, neare my late
husband, there to rest in an assured hope of a joyfull resurrecton
at the day of the Comeinge of my Lord & Saviour unto judgmt.
And for such wordly goods as it hath pleased Almighty God to give
me the use of in this life I dispose as followeth. Imprimis I give
to the poore people of Mollington aforesaid twenty shillings to be
distributed amongst them by the discretion of my exrs hereafter
named within one halfe yeare next after my decease. Item I give to
my sonne Edmond Robines ten pounds in money two payre of
sheetes one boulster two blankets one hillinge one board cloeth
and the woole bed which is nowe used in the kitchin chamber. Item
I give & bequeath unto my sonne Willm Robines thirty
poundes in money one woolebed one hillinge my best brasse pott one
brasse pann, two payre of sheetes one payre of blankettes &
one table cloeth. Item I give to my daughter Mary Wodhull
thirty shillinges in money & one Christeninge sheete. Item I
give to all my said daughters children one sheepe a peece. Item I
give to my daughter Anne Corbett thirty shillinges in
money & one towel. Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth
Elkington thirty shillinges in money & one towel. Item I
give to my sonne Richard Robines tenn shillinges in money.
Item I give to my daughter in lawe Margarett Robines ten
shillinges in money. Item I give to my said sonne Richard
Robines his children Mary & Anne Robines one sheepe a
peece. Item I give to my daughter in lawe Sarah Robines
tenn shillinges in money & my will is that all the legacyes
here above in this my will given shalbe paid by my exrs hereafter
in this my will named within sixe monethes next after my decease.
Ann all the rest & residue of my goodes cattells chattells
reddy money implemts of husbandry household stuffe & other my
psonall estate whatsoever I doe wholly give unto my two sonnes
Anthony Robines & Willm Robines whom I doe make ordayne
& appointe joynte exrs of this my last will & testament
chargeinge & requireinge them (as my trust in them is) to the
uttermost of their power to see the same pformed according to my
true intent & meaneinge herein expressed & declared. And I
doe appointe & intreat my loveinge neighbors Thomas Clerridge
& Edward Elkington of Mollington aforesaid husbandmen to be
the overseers of this my last will & testament desireinge them
to be aideinge & assisting unto my said sonnes in the due
executon hereof as shall seeme best in their discretons. And I goe
give unto them for their paynes to be taken herein two shillinges
a peece for a remembrance. And I doe hereby revoke all former
willes by me made & published. In witness whereof I have set
this my last will & testament set my hand & seale the day
& yeare above written.
Sealed subscribed & published in the presence of us, John
Bull, Joane Holbeth, Ambrose Holbech
Item my will is that my three daughters Mary Woodhull
Anne Corbett & Elizabeth Elkington shall have all my
weareinge apperell equally devided amoungest them. Item I give to
my three sonnes in lawe Edward Woodhull John Corbett &
William Elkington ten shillinges apiece to be paid them by
my exrs abovenamed.
Alice Robines Her mark
The mark of Alice Robins on her will
Richard and Alice had the following children:
*1. Mary, christened 2 November 1593 in Mollington;
married Edward Woodhull 26 November 1619 in Mollington.
Baptism record for Mary Robins in Mollington: "Mary Robins the
daughter of Richard and Ales his wife was bapt the ijth of
2. Edward, christened 20 March 1594 in Mollington; buried 4
January 1595 in Mollington.
3. Richard, christened 8 February 1596 in Mollington;
married Margarett; left a will dated 1650, naming wife Margaret,
daughter Mary Batchelor, son Richard, daughter Anne (wife of William
Coleman, daughters Margaret, Elizabeth and Joyce, and brother
William Robins. (Will of Richard Robins of Mollington,
Prerogative Court of Canterbury, written 26 August 1650)
4. Anne, christened 21 August 1597 in Mollington; married
John Corbett 27 June 1628 in Mollington; buried 8 July 1668 in
5. Elizabeth, christened 23 February 1599 in Mollington;
married William Elkington 28 November 1628 in Mollington.
6. Anthony, christened March 1601 in Mollington; married
Sarah Gill 9 June 1631 in Cropredy, Oxfordshire.
7. Edmund, christened March 1601 in Mollington.
8. William, christened 5 January 1604 in Mollington.
SOURCES: Mollington parish register;; Will of
Richard Robins of Mollington, 1624; will of Alice Robins widow of
Mollington, 1631; Calcott's Book of Williamscote School, Cake and
Cockhorse, January 1963, Vol. 2, No. 3.
William Robins was born in about 1540. He married Agnes. William was
mentioned in the will of Fulke Woodhull in 1573, but only as "Robins":
Fulke left to his son "the howses which Robins nowe dewlle with",
to his daughter "the rent of five howses, viz Knightes, Robins,
Thomas Gardners, Thomas Heines, and Tabreloyes", and left Mr.
Robins a bequest: "I doo geve to Robins twentye shillinges".
William was mentioned as a previous lessee on a deed in 1602: "Lease
from Anthony Woodhull, Mollington, and Richard Robins,
Mollington, of property in Mollington". The description of the
lease was: "Concerns a messuage and a yardland in Mollington in
the possession of George Woodhull and previously in the occupation
of William Robins and earlier in the possession of Leonard
Woodhull, to be held for 50 years at the annual rent of eighteen
shillings. Marked 'Richard Robbings first lease'".
(Warwickshire County Record Office, CR0457/54/5)
Agnes died as a widow and was buried 3 September 1592 in Mollington.
Her will mentions Richard's upcoming marriage which happened the
same year.
Burial record for Agnes Robins in Mollington: "Agnes Robins
widow was buried the iijth of Septeber"
Agnes left a will in 1592.
Will of Agnes Robins, widow of Mollington, 1592
In the name of God Amen the three and twentieth day of August in
the yeare of our Lord God 1592 I Agnes Robins of Mollington
in the parish of Cropredie being sicke in bodie but of good and
pfect remembrance thankes be to God doe ordeine and make this my
last will and testament in maner and forme following. First I
bequeathing my soule to Almightie God my maker hopinge onelie to
be saved by the death of Jesus Christ and my bodie to be buried in
the churchyard of Mollingon aforesaide. Item I give toward the
repaire of the church of Mollington aforesaide vjd. Item I give
and bequeath unto Willm Robins my sonne the somme of ten
poundes of lawfull English money to be payde unto him att the day
of the marriage of Richard Robins my sonne or win one
moneth next after the said marriage or win two yeares next after
my decease which first shall come. I give him also a red pied
heifer and a towel to be delivered unto him in psent after my
decease. Item I give and bequeath unto Edward Robins my sonne
the somme of fifteene poundes of lawfull English money to be payd
unto him within foure yeares next after my decease. I give him
also one cow of five yeares old or els the somme of thirtie three
shillinges foure pence of lawfull English money to be payd unto
him win one yeare next after my decease. I give him also a black
heifer to be delivered unto him in psent after my decease. I give
him also a christening sheete and three other sheetes neither of
the best nor worst one mattresse one coverlet one blanckett one
pillow a pillowbere a towel two table napkins two platters and a
sawcer to be delivered him in psent after my decease. Item I give
and bequeath unto Alice Goleby my daughter the wife of Jhon
Golebie of Middleton Chenie in the countie of North mason my
tow best gownes my two best red peticoates iij best smockes iij
best kercheifes iiij best ptlettes iiij best aprons & my best
hoes and shoes to be delivered unto her in psent after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto Agnes Golebie the daughter of
Jhon Golebie aforesaide one heifer of one yeares old to be
delivered unto her within six yeares next after my decease. Item I
bequeath unto Margerie Golebie sister unto the sayd Agnes
Golebie one other heifor oof one yeare old to be delivered
unto her within eight yeares next after my decease both which
herfors my will is shalbe wased up the tenement where I now dwell.
Item I give unto Prudence Ayses an old smocke and an old ptlett.
Item I give unto Marie Day an old coate and a payre of hoes. Item
I give unto Anne Sandever an old coate. Item I give unto Joyce
Hodges an old savegard and an old wastcoate. Item I give unto
Alice Waite an apron and to her daughter Joyce an old ptlett. Item
I give Widow Budd an old kerchief and an old ptlett. Item I give
unto Jhon Golebie aforesaid the somme of five shillinges of
lawfull English money to be payd unto him within six yeares next
after my decease. All the rest of my goodes whatsoever I give and
bequeath unto Richard Robins my sonne whom I make my whole
executor of this my last will and testament he pforming the same
and discharging my funerals. My overseers I make Willm Knight and
Richard Cleredge and they to have for their paynes iiijd apiece. Witnesse hereof Richard Macock curatt
Inventory of Agnes Robins
The inventory is torn, and some of the text is missing.
Item six bease yonge & old Item the crop of a yardland Item the horse geares Item one iron bound cart Item one plow Item one hovell & other timber & fire wood Item iij hoges & iiij sowes Item the plow timber Item hens & cockes Item a cart rope In the pattry Imprimus a table the tressels a [torn] att the bench and a
forme att the [torn] Item a cubbord & a chayre Item [torn] Item an old woollen wheele Item a churne Item iiij maping hookes Item an old payne Item an old barrell & a tub In the Butterie Imprimis ij barrels Item an old ponding trough - vjd Item certain boards & a payre of waightes - iiijs Item viij peeces of pewter & v bowles – iijs vjd Item milke pannes creame pottes & butter pottes - ixd In the chamber Imprimis iiij bedstedes - iiijs Item ij coffers - vs Item certaine boards - vs Item certaine other implementes of household stuffe – xijd Item v payre of sheetes – xvis iijd Item ij mattresses – vjs viijd Item ij hillinge cloathes & ij blancketes - iiijs Item iiij table napkins ij towels ij boardcleathes iij
pillowberes & an old presse – xviijs Item ij coverlettes ij bolsters & ij pillows – xijs In the kitchin Imprimis one iron racke v shepperkes & iiij laffhookes –
iiis Item brasse candlesticks – viijd Item a brasse potte & iiij kettles – xs Item ij trenches v dishes a bole ij treene platters & a
ladle – vid Item iiij leather bottles – ijs Item iiij loomes – xvid Item ij payles & a ever – xvjd Item ij vattes a barrell ij kinnels a stike a peck & a
washtub – xijs Item iij staves – iijd Item a spit a payre of cobbordes pott hookes &
spotthahangels – iijd Item iij cheese vattes - vjd
William and Agnes had the following children:
1. Alice, married John Golebie of Middleton Cheney.
*2. Richard, born in about 1565 of Mollington; married
Alice; buried 13 June 1624 in Mollington, leaving a will.
3. William
4. Edward
5. Margarett, buried 13 December 1586 as "Margarett
Robins the daughter of Widow Robins was buried the xiijth of
SOURCES: Mollington parish register;; will of
Agnes Robins, widow of Mollington, 1592.