Robert Potter was born in about 1530 of Tadmarton, Oxfordshire,
England, the son of Robert and Annys Potter. He married Marian
Joyner 20 Nov 1555 in Tadmarton. Robert was a husbandman in
Marriage record for Robert Potter and Marian Joyner in
Tadmarton: "Robert Potter & Marian Joyner were maried the xxth
Robert was a witness to the will of Robert Ward in 1559: "Wittnesses
Robte Potter Thomas Dumbultn John Hevinge & the
Robert was a witness for the will of Christian
Frere in 1561: "Wyttnes Ric Hevinge Robt Potter
Thomas Dumbleton with others."
Robert acted as an overseer for the will of Richard Gibberd in
1569 in Tadmarton: "Overseers to this my last wyll Robert
Potter and Thomas Warde and they to have ether of them
two shillings."
Robert was an overseer for the will of Agnes Gibbard in
1573: "I make my overseers to this my last will and
testament my welbeloved ffrendes Humfrey Wickeham gent Robert
Potter of Tadmarton husbandman and I give theim for
theire paynes ijs apece".
Robert was an overseer for the will of Jone Ward, a widow of
Tadmarton in 1575: "And I make Robert Potter and
Robert Hawten mine overseers and they to have eache of theime
a strycke of barlie for theire paynes".
Robert was named in the will of Margaret Tredwell in 1577: "Overseers
and witnesses to this my last wyll Robert Potter
Robert Ffryer Robert Hawten George Dumbleton Richarde Robe and
Thurstance Standishe and they to have for theare paynes a
stryke of barlye apeace."
Robert was a witness for the will of John Hale in 1581: "Wittnes
to this my will Robart Potter Robart Haile Thomas
Jayvas and Rychard Rakes".
Marian died and was buried 15 April 1584 in Tadmarton.
Burial record for Marian Potter in Tadmarton: "Marian the wyfe of Robert Potter was buryed ye xvth
Robert married again, to Joan. They had two daughters, one of
whom died young. Both Robert and Joan died within a week of each
other. Joan died and was buried 26 July 1600 in Tadmarton.
Robert died and was buried 1 August 1600 in Tadmarton.
Burial records for Robert and Joan in Tadmarton: "Julye - Joane the wyfe of Robert Potter was buryed the
xxvjth day Auguste - Robert Potter was buryed the fyrst daye"
Robert's will, written in May 1600, still
references his wife Joan, and was proven in 1601:
Will of Robert Potter of Tadmarton, 1600
xxvij die May Ao Dom 1600 In the name of God Amen I Robert Potter of
Tadmarton in the countie of Oxon husbandman, sicke
in bodie but of good and perfect remembrannce (thankes be
to God) do make this my last will and testament in maner
and forme folowing ffyrst I comend my soule into the hands
of Almighty God hoping to be saved by the death and
passion of Jesus Christe, and my bodye to be buryed in the
church or churchyard of Tadmarton aforsaid. Item I gyve to
the parish church of Tadmarton xs. Item I gyve to the
poore of the parish of Tadmarton xs. Item I gyve to my
brother John Potter my best suyte of apparayle and
a stryke of malte and a stryke of maslyne. Item I gyve to
every one of my sonnes and daughters xijd a peece.
Item for as moch as my wyfe Jone Potter is now by
reason of her age not so well able to manage her lyving as
she hath bin: therefore my wyl is that she shall permit
and suffer our son Wylliam Potter to manage and
order the same in such sort as he now dothe, and that for
her maintenance she shall have iij beastes and fourtie
shepe kept in such sort as he kepeth his other beastes and
shepe upon the said lyving. And she shall also receive the
third parte of all the white corne that is barly maslyne
and rye, that shall growe uppon upon the said lyving to be
mowed and brought home at his cost and charges, and that
my said wyfe shall yeld unto him at the tyme of sowing of
winter corne halfe a quarter of winter corne for feede,
and at barly feeding xij strykes of feede barly. Item I
gyve unto my said wyfe the milke and calves of the said
iij kyne during her lyfe and that thirtie shepe now marked
with mine owne marcke. Item I gyve to my said wyfe the use
and occupacon of the moytie or one halfe of all my
household stuffe during her lyfe. Item I gyve unto Ales
Tobie fyve poundes to be payd unto her at xviij yeres of
age. Item I gyve to Lucie Tobie xls to be payd at xviij
yeares of her age. Item I gyve to every of my godchildren
vjd apeece. All the rest of my goodes and chattels
moveable and unmoveable I gyve and bequeath unto Wylliam
Potter my son whome I make my sole executor of this
my last wyll and testament. And I ordein my loving
neighbors John Baylie Wylliam Bloxham and Thomas Warde
overseers of the same. In the presence of John Craikar
John Hyron and Wylliam Gonne.
Robert and Marian had the following children:
1. William, christened 17 May 1558 in Tadmarton.
2. George, christened 7 April 1560 in Tadmarton; buried
10 April 1585 in Tadmarton.
3. Marget, christened 31 January 1562 in Tadmarton.
4. Elisabeth, christened 12 March 1564 in Tadmarton.
5. Ales, christened 6 October 1566 in Tadmarton.
6. Margerie, christened 12 June 1568 in Tadmarton.
*7. Joan, christened 22 October 1570 in Tadmarton; married
William Gunne 14 January 1594 in Tadmarton..
Baptism record for Joan Potter in Tadmarton: "Jone the
daughter of Roberte Potter was baptysed ye xxijth day"
Robert and Joan had the following children:
8. Emme, christened 20 March 1585 in Tadmarton; buried 8
September 1587 in Tadmarton.
9. Elen, christened 2 August 1588 in Tadmarton; married
James Hyckes 14 July 1607 in Tadmarton.
SOURCES: Tadmarton parish register; will of Robert Potter of
Tadmarton, 1600.
Robert Potter was born in about 1500 of Tadmarton. He married
Annys (Agnes).
Robert died and was buried in about 1547, leaving a will:
Will of Robert Potter of Tadmarton, 1547
Testamentum Roberti Potter de Tadmarton In the name of God Amen in the first yere of the
reigne of our most soveraigne Lorde King Edwarde the vith
by the grace of God king of Inglande ffrannce and Yreland
defender of the faith and in earthe of the churche of
England and of Yrelande the supreame Lord & the xx
daye of August I Robert Potter hole in mynde and
sicke in bodie ordeyne and make this my last wyll and
testament in maner and forme folowing/ ffyrst I beqeth my
sowle to Allmyghtie God and my bodie be buryed in the
churche yarde of Tadmarton. Item to the mother churche of
Oxon ijd. Item to the high altare ijd. Item to Robert
and John my sonnes every one xij shepe and a cowe.
Item to Christian my dawghter x shepe and a cow.
Item to Wyllyam my sonne a shepe and everye one
of his three children a shepe. Item to Roberte John
and Christian everye one a payre of shetes. Item to
John and Christian iij quarter of barly and a
quarter of wynter corn to evry of theym. Item I make Annys
my wiff my sole executore. Item I make Roberte
Gybbarde and Richard Potter my overseers and they
to have for their labors ijs a pece. Wytnes Mr Thurstance
Standishe Robert Warde & Rycharde Viall
Annys or Agnes died and was buried 18 November 1570 in
Burial record for Annys Potter in Tadmarton: "Agnes Potter wydow was buried the xviijth day"
Will of Agnes Potter, widow of Tadmarton, 1570
Agnes Potter, widow 1579 Testamentum Agetis Potter de Tadmerton vid In the name of God Amen I Agnes Potter whole in
mynde and parfytte of memorye make my last wyll and testament
in maner following the xxtie daye of May in the xijth everye
of the reigne of our Soferane Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of
God of Englande ffrannce and Irelande Quene defender of the
faith & etc. Ffyrst I bequeth my sowle to Allmyghtie God
and my bodie to be buryed in the churche yarde of Tadmerton.
Item I gyve to John my sonne a cowe ten sheepe and to
his wyffe a cote a smocke and a kercheffe. Item to Christian
my dawghter my best cote my best smocke and my best
kercheffe. Item her sonne Richarde with a sheepe. Item I gyve
to my dawghter in lawe Elizabeth Webbe a cote a smocke and a
kercheff. Item to her dawghter Elizabeth a sheepe. Item I gyve
to Richarde Potter twenty shillinges a sheepe a payre
of sheetes and a platter. Item to Agnes Potter a paire
of sheetes my best towel a sheepe and a platter. Item to Thomas
Potter a sheepe a platter a payre of sheetes a cowe and
a panne. Item to Wyllam Potter a shepe a paire of
sheetes a platter and the lytle cofer. Item to George
Potter a sheepe a payre of sheetes a platter a
flockebedd a bolster and my best coverlet. Item to Margarett
Potter a payre of sheetes a platter and my best
candlesticke. Item to Elizabeth Potter a paire of
sheetes a platter and a lytle skelett. Item to Alice
Potter a paire of sheetes and a platter. Item to Margerye
Potter a payre of sheetes and a platter. Item to Jone
Potter my dawghter in lawe my best petycote a kercheffe
and all my lynen unbequeathed. The rest of my goodes
unbequeathed I gyve to Roberte my sonne whom I make my
sole executor. Wytnesses Thurstance Standisshe Roberte ffryar
and Thomas Warde
Robert and Agnes had the following children:
1. John, married Elisabeth Allene 24 January 1554 in
Tadmarton; buried 16 July 1588 in Tadmarton.
2. Christian (female), married William Coke 16 June
1552 in Tadmarton.
*3. Robert, born in about 1530; married Marian Joyner 20
Nov 1555 in Tadmarton.
4. Wyllyam
SOURCES: Tadmarton parish register; will of Robert Potter of
Tadmarton, 1547; will of Agnes Potter, widow of Tadmarton,