William left a will dated 8 September 1575:
Will of William Marshall of Eydon, 1575
In the name of God Amen the eight daie of the monethe of
September in the yeare of our Lord God 1575, wytnessyth that I
Willim Marshall of Lennyll in the paryshe of Eydone sycke
in bodie but whole in mynde and in good and pfect remembrannce
laude and praise be unto Almightie God I make and ordaine this
my psent testament concernynge this my last will in manner and
forme ffollowinge: that ys to saie, ffirst I comend my soule
unto Almightie God, my maker and redeemer and my bodie to be
buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. Item I geve and
bequethe to my syster Kathern one paire of sheets and
one shepes wynterynge during the tearme of my lease. Item I
geve and bequethe unto my daughter Kathern a paire of
sheets. Item I geve and bequethe to Elizabethe my daughter
ij shepe, a lytle kettle, a pewtar platter and a paire of
sheets. Also I will that Elizabeth my wyffe shall have
the education and bringing upp of my other fyve children, that
ys to saie William, Lyonell, Kathern,
Miles and Ales until the tyme that any of
them be either hable to lyve or pvide for themselves. And when
they and any of them shall come unto their full and perfect
aige of xxi yeares then I will that eny of them shall have
porton of my goods by and by ye appointment of Thomas
Shelfoxxe, Simon Shelfoxe and Willm Swetteman my brethren
divided alwaies. And I will that yf Elizabethe my saide
wyffe doe marrie that then before she be married she
shalbe bownden unto my said brethren with such assurance as
they shall lyke of for the pformance of this my will and
testament. And yf she shall refuse this to doe then I geve and
bequethe to eny of my said fyve children as William, Lyonell,
Miles, Kathern and Ales fyve make
either in currant money or such goods and cattells unto the
saide some and valewe, and ymediatly after my wyffes denyall
as ys abovesaid psenthe to be delivered into my saide
brethrens hands and they to pvide for my said children, and yf
any of them doe die before they come to full aige as above
specified I will that pte or ptes to be equally devided
amongsest those that lyve; The residue of my goods not
bequethes I geve them wholly unto Elizabeth my wyffe
whome I make my whole executrix of this my last will and
testament, these witnesses Thomas Shelfoxe, Thomas Swettnam
with other.