Richard Hirons was christened 19 December 1624 in Wardington, Oxfordshire, the son of John Hirons and Marie Taylor.

Richard Hirons baptism

Baptism record for Richard Hirons in Wardington:
"Richard Hirnes the sonne of John Hyrnes was baptised the 19th of December"

He married Judith Glaze 25 March 1658 in Banbury. Judith was the daughter of William Glaze of Little Bourton in the parish of Cropredy.

Richard Hirons marriage

Marriage record for Richard Hirons and Judith Glaze in Banbury:
"25: Richard Hyerns of Wardington in the parish of Cropredy in the County of Oxon and
Judeth Glaze daughter of Willm Glaze of Little Borton in the same parish were marryed in Banbury"

Judith died and was buried 20 May 1663 in Wardington.

Judith Hirons burial

Burial record for Judith Hirons in Wardington:
"Judith the wife of Richard Hyornes buried ye 20th day of May"

Richard married next Sarah in about 1664.

Richard died and was buried 21 May 1705 in Wardington.

Richard Hirons burial

Burial record for Richard Hirons in Wardington:
"Richard Hyerons of Wardington yeoman was buryed on the twenty first day of May"

Richard left a will written in 1705:

Richard Hirons will

Will of Richard Hirons of Wardington, 1705

In the name of God Amen the fifteenth day of March Ano Domini one thousand seven hundred and five And in the fourth year of ye reign of our sovereign Lady Ann by the grace of God Queen of England Scotland Ffrance and Ireland defender of the faith I Richard Hirons, senior of Wardenton in the county of Oxon yeoman being at present though weak of body yet of perfect memory and of a composed mind and being sensible of ye decaies of nature being desiras to settle things in order do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following ffirst I commit my soul to God my creator hoping for eternall life through Jesus Christ. And my body to the earth willing it be buried decently in Christian burial. And for such worldly goods as it hath pleased Almighty God to give me I dispose of them as ffolloweth

First I give and bequeath unto my son Richard Hirons all and every part of that my yardland lying and being in ye field of Wardenton Williamscott and Coats consisting of earable land meadow ground and pasture to all ye appurtenances thereunto belonging and appertaining to him and his heirs for ever.

Also it is my will that my loveing wife Sarah Hirons continuing with my son Richard Hirons shall have a due and sufficient maintenance of him during her naturall life and also the use of my household goods for her own proper use during her naturall life as aforesaid and also that she shall have the power to dispose of and give away to whome she pleaseth all her wearing apparel at her death. And if she shall think good to remove and reside else where I do give and bequeath unto her the sum of three pounds by the year to be paid to her by the said Richard Hirons at four equall quarterly paiments yearly during her naturall life as aforesaid. And if she remove from him she shall have sufficient bed and bedding both llinnen and woolen to make her a bed and the fether bed which is my daughter Sarahs after her deceace and my said daughter Sarah is like wise to have a trunk and a table and cupboard which stand in the kitchen.

Also I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Hirons the sum of fourty pounds twenty of which to be paid one year after my decese and the other twenty two years after the paiment of the first twenty that is to say three years after my decease: and also it is my will that when ever Richard Hirons the son of Thomas Hirons goeth away from my son Richard then my son Richard aforesaid shall give unto him the sum of five pounds. And I do also give and bequeath unto every one of my son Thomas his children that are already born or shall be born and liveling at my decease the sum of half a crown to be paid unto each of them by my executor herein after named and also a like sum of half a crown to every one of my son Thomas Clarks children that are or shall be alive at my decease and it is my will that all my weareing apparel (except one coat which my son Richard sometimes useth to ware) shall be divided betwixt my son Thomas Hirons and Thomas Clark.

Also I give to my son John Batchelor and my daughter Mary his wife and to all their children one shilling a piece to each of them to be paid by my executor as aforesaid.

Also all the rest of my goods cattell and chattels with all and every thing given and unbequeathed my debts and legacies being paid and ffunerall expences discharged I give and bequeath unto my son Richard Hirons aforesaid whom I make and ordain whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament. In witness hereof I have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.

Richard Hirons

Richard Hirons his mark
Approved signed and sealed in ye presence of us John Hiornes Thomas Bonham William Baker his mark

Richard and Judith had the following children:

1. John, christened 3 October 1660 in Wardington; buried 25 September 1665 in Wardington.

2. Richard, christened 15 November 1661 in Wardington; married Phillippa; buried 11 February 1729 in Wardington, leaving a will in the Peculiar Court of Banbury.

*3. Mary, christened 1 April 1663 in Wardington; married John Batchelor.

Mary Hirons baptism

Baptism record for Mary Hirons in Wardington: "Mary the daughter of Richard Hijornes & Judith his wife was baptised the first & twentieth day of Aprill."

Richard and Sarah had the following children:

4. Thomas, christened 8 October 1664 in Wardington.

5. Clement (male), born in about 1666 of Wardington.

6. Sarah, christened 3 August 1667 in Wardington.

7. John, christened 17 October 1671 in Wardington.

8. William, christened 7 February 1673 in Wardington.

SOURCES: Wardington parish register;; will of Richard Hirons of Wardington, 1705 on


John Hirons was christened 20 February 1591 in Wardington, the son of Clement Hirons and Anne Collys. John married Anne Healye 2 November 1618 in Wardington. Ann died in about 1623.

        Hirons baptism

Baptism record for John Hirons in Wardington:
"John Hyrons ye sonne of Clement Hyrons was baptised the xx daie Fabruarie"
(Extracted as John the son of Thomas Hyrons)

John married next Marie Taylor 4 November 1623 in Wardington.

        Hirons marriage

Marriage record for John Hirons and Marie Taylor in Wardington:
"John Hiornes and Marie Taylor were maried the fourth of November"

Marie was christened 11 May 1600 in Wardington, the daughter of Robart Taylor alias Parishe.

Marie died and was buried 11 March 1645 in Wardington.

Marie Hirons burial

Burial record for Marie Hirons in Wardington:
"Mary Hiornes was buried the 11 of March"

John married again to Anne. John died and was buried 31 March 1657 in Wardington.

        Hirons burial

Burial record for John Hirons in Wardington:
"John Highorns was buried the 31 day of March in the yeare 1657"

John left a will written in 1656 and proven in 1657:

John Hirons will

Will of John Hirons of Wardington, proven 1657

In the name of God Amen, the ffowrteenth day of March in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred ffiftie six I John Hiornes of Wardington in the countie of Oxon yeoman, beinge of perfect mind and sound memorie, thankes be to Allmightie God make this my last will and testament in manner followinge: ffirst I commend my soule that God gave me unto him, hoopinge to be saved by ye death and meritts of Christ my Saviour , my bodie I commit to ye earth, willing it be buried in Christian burial. And for my worldlie goods I dispose them as followeth. Ffirst I give unto Alice Tounford my daughter and unto Clement Hierns my sonne all that one yardland with the apptenances in Wordington aforesaid which I hold by virtue of a lease by Robert Kinge and Edward Kinge to me made for all ye terme and estate I have therein provided allso aid nececacerie for my will is. And I doe soe appoint yt if Richard Hiornes my sone shall pay unto my said daughter Alice ye sume of threescore pounds within one yeare next after my decease and ye summe of twentie pounds unto ye childeren of Clement Hiornes aforesdaid my said sonne to be paid the said Clement for the benefit of his said children within one yeare next after my decease. Then this devise of mine to be bord And then I give the said yard land and all my estate therein unto ye said Rychard Hiornes my sonne his executors and assignes. And I doe will and appoint that my said sonne Richard shall hold and enjoy the said yard land until he shall faile to pay the said sums of threescore poundes and twentie poundes. Alsoe I give unto my said daughter Alice one oaken chest and one oaken joined bedstead. Also I give unto Anne my wife the kitchin and the chamber and cockloft over the same in the messuage wherein I live; All the houses and buildings towards Thomas Shorts belowe ye way and the mortie of the close to the said misusage belonging towards the said Thomas Shorts. And all yt quarter of one yard lands to the said messuage belonging, with there and everie of their apptenances to hold the same for soe manie yeares of the terme I have therein as she shall live. And after her decease I give the same unto my said sonne Rychard Hiorne for all the terme I have therein. Alsoe I give the other parte of the said messuage, close and housing with their appertenences unto my said sonne Richard Hiornes for all the terme I have therein. And my will is that Anne my wife shall pay the whole rent for the said messuage quarter land and premise, And for my sonne Richard thereof for long as she shall live. Alsoe I give unto my said wife one cow six shepe, one hogge, and all the crop of the said quarter of one yardland, and two mares and the use of the third part of all my lynnins wollens, brass and pewter, and the use of all my goods which are in ye said rooms, except the garner and soay and passage unto and from ye same, And the use of all coffers which were her owne, and of one lynnen and wollen wheele, and of one third part of all other my household goods, To hold the use there, if during her widowhood and noe longer. And not with power to sell the said household goods or anie other goods wherof shee is to have the use onlie. And if the said Anne shall marrie again after my decease then I doe hereby will and appoint that my whole devise and gift to her  of all things herein before given unto her shalbe void and of none effect. And then I give unto her twentie shillings yearelie to be paid unto her quarterlie by my said sonne Richard during her naturall life. Alsoe I give after the death or marriage of my said wife which shall first happen, all the goods unto my said wife ye hovel of wood next to the wall. Allsoe I give unto my sonne Clement Hiornes twentie shillings in money. All the rest of my goods chattels and personall estate whatsoever unbequeathed my debts and legacies being paid and funeral expences discharged I wholie give and bequeath unto my said sonne Richard Hiorne whom I make sole executor of this my will charging him to perfore the same. And I doe here revoke all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the daie and yeare above written. John Hiorne

Signed sealed and published in the presence of Will Webb Ambrose Holbech

This will was proved at London the ninth day of May one thousand six hundred fiftie seven before the judges for probat of wills and granting administrations lawfullie authorized by the oath of Rychard the sonn – executor named in the said will. To whom was committed administration of all and singular the goods chattels and debts of ye said deceased, he being first sworne to administer ye same.

John and Ann (Healye) had the following children:

1. Clement (male), christened 13 November 1619 in Wardington; married Mary; buried 20 January 1690.

2. Thomas, christened 20 January 1621 in Wardington.

John and Marie had the following children:

*3. Richard, christened 19 December 1624 in Wardington; married Judith Glaze.

4. John, christened 26 February 1626 in Wardington.

5. Nathaniell, buried 29 March 1626 in Wardington.

6. Mary, christened 18 May 1628 in Wardington.

7. Frances, (female) christened 12 December 1630 in Wardington.

8. Anna, christened 28 July 1633 in Wardington; buried 12 August 1633 in Wardington.

9. Alice, christened 24 August 1634 in Wardington.

SOURCES: Wardington parish register;


Clement Hirons was born in about 1569 in Wardington, the son of Rychard and Barbarie Hyrons. He married Anne Collys 2 November 1588 in Wardington.

Clement Hirons marriage

Marriage record for Clement Hirons and Anne Collys in Wardington:
"Clement Hyrons and Anne Collys was maried the second daie of November"

Clement acted as a witness for the will of Richard Shorte alias Timcocke of Wardington in 1621.

Clement Hyrons mark

The mark of Clement Hyrons on the will of Richard Shorte alias Timcocke in 1621

Anne died and was buried 28 October 1630 in Wardington.

Anne Hirons burial

Burial record for Anne Hirons in Wardington: "Anne ye wife of Clement Hyarns was buried Octob: 28"

Clement married again the next year, to Mabel Bartlet 1 October 1631 in Wardington.

Clement and Anne had the following children:

1. Jone, christened 17 November 1589 in Wardington; buried the same day.

*2. John, christened 20 February 1591 in Wardington; married 1) Ann Healye, 2) Marie Taylor.

3. Marie, christened 3 March 1594 in Wardington.

Clement and Mabel had the following child:

4. Mabella, christened 25 September 1632 in Wardington; buried 10 January 1635 in Wardington.

SOURCES: Wardington parish register;


Rychard Hyrons was born in about 1545 of Wardington. He married Barbarie. Rychard was a carpenter.

The Hirons family were mentioned in a history of Wardington: "Eight families in all (Chamberlayne, French, Gardner, Short, Gubbins, Hirons, Muddin, and Hunt) survived until the inclosure of Wardington in 1762 in possession of lands bought in 1623; the Hirons family, lessees of one moiety of the Bell Land for over a century from 1572,  alone survived into the 19th century." (British History Online – Wardington)

Barbarie was buried 26 October 1583 in Wardington.

Barbarie Hirons burial

Burial record for Barbarie Hyrons in Wardington:
"Barbere Hyrons the wyff of Rycd Hyrons was buried the xxvij daie of October"

Rychard died and was buried 11 July 1585 in Wardington.

Rychard Hirons burial

Burial record for Rychard Hyrons in Wardington:
"Rycd Hyrons carpynter of Wardenton was buried the xith daye of Julye the xxviu yeare of her majestie raigne de Elyz"

Rychard and Barbarie had the following children:

1. Richard, born about 1569 in Wardington.

*2. Clement (male), born about 1570 in Wardington.

3. John, christened 9 December 1572 in Wardington; buried 9 December 1572 in Wardington.

4. Marjerie, christened 18 November 1576 in Wardington.

5. Jonne, christened 26 Sep 1577 in Wardington; buried 26 Sep 1577 in Wardington.

6. John, christened 17 September 1584 in Wardington; buried 18 Sep 1584 in Wardington.

SOURCES: Wardington parish register;

