Baptist Golde was born in about 1520 of Broughton, Oxfordshire, a
parish about two miles south of Banbury. He had a brother, John
Golde of Salisbury, and possibly two sisters, Margaret and Ales.
Baptist married Margaret.
Baptist was mentioned in the will of Edward Sconce of Broughton in
1560: "The resydew of my goodes unbequeathed both moveable and
unmoveable I gyve to Alys my wyffe to se my bodie brought on
earthe and my deptes payd whome I make my soole executrixe and
ordayne Baptist Goolde and Rich Perne of Banburie to be
supervysors to se this my wyll and testament trewly performed and
to have ether of them one good shepe."
Baptist was mentioned as owing a debt in the will of John Warde
of Broughton in 1564: "Detts owing to me, Item Baptiste Golde
fyve shillinges eight pence."
Baptist refered to "my good Mr master
Richard Ffenys & his good wieffe Mysteris Constance Fenys" in his will. This is Sir
Richard Fiennes of Broughton Castle and his wife Constance
Kingsmill: "In 1554 Richard Fiennes completed a major
reconstruction. He raised the roof to accommodate two floors
above the Great Hall, building two staircase projections to the
south and adding – on the foundations of the medieval kitchens –
two rooms which form the west wing. After his death in 1573 his
son, Richard, continued the embellishment of the interior,
recording the date 1599 on the plaster ceiling in the Great
Broughton Castle
It is not known what
service Baptist provided, but his will lists fancy clothing and
other items, including: "my cotes and dublet, one of my paire of hose, a paire
of Venetians (Venetian loafers) laid with velvet and lace and one hat" left to his brother, "a paire of grene hose
laide with purple silk", "the satten Venetians
that my master gave me and the velvet hat with the fether", and "a
canvas doblet with long ruffe and ye Venetians of whyte canvas
with grene lace". He described his service to Fiennes in his
will as "therefore I do charge you and yours to helpe him, to
serve him, to runne for him, to ride for him and as I did for him
and his".
Elizabethan men's clothing
Baptist mentioned in his will his yardland, his wife's three
yardlands and house, and the living that Mr Richard Fiennes let him
have. Did the mention of a living mean that Baptist was a rector for
Fiennes? Although he mentioned land in his will, his items of
clothing are definitely not those belonging to a yeoman farmer. He
would certainly be a well-dressed rector. He also leaves "my black rapier and
dagger that I weare my selfe", "a pretie lytle stone
bowe", "my sworde that you have,
my silver rapier and dagger with sworde girdle to ye of
velvet that my master gave me", "I render againe and gyve unto my master my
little fier locke (firelock - a gun) that he gave me" and "my lytle blacke gunne
that I bought in London".
Baptist died, leaving an interesting will written in 1581,
mentioning his wife Margaret, brother John, son-in-law Richard
Tusten, and daughter Joyse, wife of Richard Tusten. In his will he
also mentioned two sisters, Alice (Ales) and Margaret Arden. These
may be his sisters, half-sisters or his wife's sisters.
Will of Baptist Golde of Broughton, 1581
The last will and testament of Baptist Golde of Broughton late
In the name of God Amen, I will that if I dye at Broughton
that my body be buried at the place that I dyd appoynte in the
churche yard of Broughton there by the lytle door that goeth in at
the night yarde and my soule I trust with Almightie God. I would
have a sermon at my buryall and he that maketh the sermon to have
vs for his paynes and I geve to the churche of Broughton vjs viijd
to be payd by my wieffe and Richard Tusten and his
wieffe whome I make my executors and executrixe. Also
I bequeathe to Messinger and his wyffe xijd, Roberts and his wyffe
xijd, Mannsill and his wyffe xijd, Greene and his wyffe
xijd, Cropwell his wyffe and his daughter I would have them have
iijs iiijd a peece bestowed in sheetes, smockes and lynnen for
there three parlours and everie one of them to have for me a black
gowne the price as ye will and I take them the some xl and
gyve them these dinner or supper and iijd a peece in bredde and
money and also Goodwiffe Collens and her children xijd, Hilton and
his wife and her childerne xijd to the poore of Newton as ye shall
thinke good iiijd apiece. And if there be enie poore of Banburie,
Bloxham or ells where I praie ye bestowe xs or xxs to them in
bredde as soethe as yt will goe. I would have ye same some
refreshing of my neighboures at their retorne home from the
churche some releeffe but not muche. I gyve my wieffe all my
goodes that I have to use them and governe them to her discretion
during her lieffe. And I knowe verie well that she will leave them
to Richard Tustian his wieffe and his childerne.
And if yt pleas my wieff that she wolde bestowe and gyve to anie
her kindered I praie youe let her. And if she will bestowe anie
thinge of my kinedred as pleas her and you, and for my
brother John Golde at Salisburie if praie ye gyve hym
xxs in money, one of my cotes and dublet, one of my paire of hose,
a paire of Venetians laid with velvet and lace and one hat in
rememberannce I was his brother. I would also that my
wieffe, Richarde Tusten & his wife shoulde live
together or as nowe I left them at my deathe. And as I truste that
my master wilbe good to my wieffe for my living dueringe her
lieffe for my sake. That then my wieffe to have and to knowe her
three yarde lande to use and to occupie for her selffe to kepe her
house & this my yarde lande and use yt as pleas her. And
I wold give Richarde Tustian and his wieffe
to have and occupie Cooles yarde lande to there use to increase
and forsee to gett after living or money for there fyve
childerne to lyve by when God shall call for them. So I meane
between my wieffe Margaret Goolde and
Richarde and his wife, yf they wold forsee to have regarde to
there owne childerne. And if they do see that Baptist
Tusten will not be learned as I hope he wilbe a good
scholler put hym owt to apprentice and to the rest of the
childerne also. And if Baptist will learne I charge you in the
name of God to helpe hym succoure hym and ayde hym with muche
helpe as you may that he may be a devyne and another daie to helpe
all you and yours. And because I have geven as litle from you as I
may yet will I give that shalbe my gyfte to Baptiste and the
childerne in rememberannnce that I was his grandfather vl. To Richarde
Tusten his sonne iijll, to Harrie
iijl, to Annye xl, to Ursula
vil xiiijs iiijd to be paid owte of my wives goodes. And myne if
was nowe hers in occupyinge. And for my wiffe and
Richard Tusten and his wiffe will forth right well
for there childerne besides that I gave them. And if yt fortune
anie of these v childerne die in the meane season before they come
to discreasion I meane that I will have that child that dye other
heis portion or her portion to come to the one other minor
children, and yf they die all save one the one of them to have all
the gifts that I gave the V children to the longer liver man or
woman. My meaning is trusting in Almightie God that you will live
all together as I lefte you and to agree godlie one with another
as Christian people shoulde doe and one with you to helpe another
with the trust that God hath provided for you. And if yt pleas my
good master Mr. Richard Ffenye to let your have the living that I
had till I die I doubt not but you wilbe carefull of youre
children and myne that I left behind. And yf my master will not
let you have the living I had, put youre trust in Almighyie God
and he will forsee you shall not lack another for you and yours. I
Knowe he wilbe good unto you and yours and therefore I do charge
you and yours to helpe him, to serve him, to runne for him, to
ride for him and as I did for him and his tell you called for me
in space and tyme cometh grace and there in end quothe Baptist
Goold. I make my overseers Mr Marmyon and Mr Merick requesting
them to take some paines for me to breake uppe my will and to see
yt fulfilled so farr as they may. Requesting my good Mr master
Richard Ffenys & his good wieffe Mysteris Constance Fenys to
be good unto my wyffe Margaret Goold, Richard
Tusten, his wyffe Joies Goold,
to Baptist Tusten and to the rest of my
poore children, brother and sisters to the said Baptist
Tusten and as I have served alonge tyme his ffather
and hym xli yeares. So I Baptist Goolde desire Mr Marmyon and Mr
Merick to request my master and my heirs to be good unto all
them that I have put in my will and in this do I trust my master
shall wyn the blessed inheritance in heaven (which I trust I am in
heaven). Mr Marmyon I am sure yt I shall troble Mr Merick and you
and I have nothinge to gyve you as you be worthie of but for the
deede I praie you Mr Merricke doe for me in my request for this my
living, in parte to helpe what you can and I gyve you a
pretie lytle stone bowe to kill birdes which as I dyd being alive
in rememberannce of a good will, and Mr. Merick I gyve you my
sworde that you have, my silver rapier and dagger with sworde
girdle to ye of velvet that my master gave me. I render againe and
gyve unto my master my little fier locke that he gave me. I kept
yt as longe as I lyved for his sake. I gyve Mr John Arden of
Kirtlington my lytle blacke gunne that I bought in London,
desiring hym to be good to Richard Tusten and his
childerne for his howse I occupied at Bodycote that
he may have yt for his money before anie man for my sake which I
know well he wilbe good unto hym for never anie of kindred dyd put
anie owte unless he proved hym no honest man. I trusting he will
finde Richard Tusten an honest man. I gyve
to Mr Harrie Arden my snap harnett that is at the smythes at
Barforde. I gyve to my systers Ales and Margaret Arden
xs apece desiring Mr Harrye Arden and my twoe systers to be good
to there brother for my sonne Richard Tusten
for his halfe yarde land that I dyd occupie doing as another may
will do I gyve to Mr Allen of Banburie my black rapier and dagger
that I weare my selfe. I gyve Alexander a paire of grene hose
laide with purple silk. I gyve Edmond apaire of black kersie hose
and a dublet of black cotton this is at Mr Garlicks. I gyve to
Harrie Warde the satten Venetians that my master gave me and the
velvet hat with the fether that be at Mr Garlicks. I gyve lytle
Willm Goode a canvas doblet with long ruffe and ye Venetians of
whyte canvas with grene lace. This will made and confirmed by
Baptist Goolde the xxxth of Marche 1581 in the hearing of Rowland
Merick, William Bentle and Robert Yodens.
Baptist and Margaret had the following children:
*1. Joyce (Joies), born about 1540 of Broughton; married
Richard Tustin.
SOURCE: Will of Baptist Golde, 1581; will of Richard Tustin,