John Fyfield was born in about 1540 of Wardington, Oxfordshire. He married 1) Alice Colles 22 October 1565 in Boddington.

John Fifield marriage

Marriage record for John Fyfield and Alice Colles in Boddington:
"Nuptie celebrant int Johem Ffifilds et Alicia Colle xxij die Octob: ano prd"

Alice died and was buried 17 January 1569 in Wardington.

Alice Fifield burial

Burial record for Alice Fyfield in Wardington:
"Alice Fyfelde ye wyff of John Fyfelde was buried the xvij day of Januarie Ano Dom 1569"

John then married 2) Agnes Stacye 13 November 1572 in Wardington.

Agnes (Annes) died and was buried 4 May 1591 in Wardington.

John died and was buried 5 December 1621 in Cropredy.

        Fifield burial

Burial record for John Fyfield in Cropredy:
"John Fifielde was buried the vth daye of December Anno Dom 1620"

An inventory was created for John. The inventory contained primarily person items, so John was most likely living with one of his children.

        Fifield will

Inventory of John Fyfield, 1621

A tru and pfect inventory of all the goodes & catteles and cattles of John Fyfylde late of Cropredy desessed taken ad praysed by Thomas Wyat and John Hunt.
Imprimus woon cloake – xs
Item all his wearing apparel – xi
Item woon old coffer and three sheetes – vijs
Item woon payre of shues – xiijd
Suma 29s 8d
Exhibited 8 September 1621

John and Alice had the following children:

1. Jonne (Joan), christened 19 December 1567 in Wardington; she died and was buried the same day in Wardington.

*2. Margaret, born about 1570 of Wardington; married Thomas Gibbins 28 October 1593 in Wardington; buried 17 February 1633/4 in Cropredy.

John and Agnes had the following children:

3. William, christened 27 January 1573 in Wardington; married Debora Woode 11 February 1605 in Wardington.

4. (Male), name torn in parish register, christened 29 November 1574 in Wardington.

5. Walter, christened 25 December 1576 in Wardington; married Mary Archer 19 October 1601 in Banbury, Oxfordshire.

6. Robert, born about 1577, mentioned in brother John's will of 1615.

7. John, christened 19 January 1579 in Wardington; buried 17 November 1615 in Wardington; left a will naming brothers Robert and Walter, sister Alice.

8. Thomas, christened 31 May 1581 in Wardington.

9. Francis, christened 20 January 1583 in Wardington.

10. Calkyt, christened 2 August 1585 in Wardington; married Johana Car 29 September 1627 in Great Easton, Leicestershire; died 1638 in Great Easton, leaving an administration.

11. Esther, christened 19 March 1587 in Wardington; married Walter Lea 17 November 1608 in Wardington.

12. Dowritie, christened 2 August 1590 in Wardington.

12. Alice, about 1591, mentioned in brother's will, 1615.

SOURCES: Wardington parish register; will of John Fifield of Wardington, 1615; inventory of John Fyfield of Cropredy, 1621. .


Richard Fifield was born in about 1520, the son of John Vyvelde. He was a husbandman of Willliamscot, in the parish of Wardington. Richard married Elizabeth.

Richard Fifield will

Will of Richard Fifield of Williamscot, 1597

Richard Fifield, husbandman of Williamscot, 1597

In the name of God Amen, the xixth day of September in the nine and thirtthe yeare of the raygne fo our Soveraigne Lady Elizabet by the grace of God, Queene of Englande, Ffrance and Irlande, defender of the ffayth, I Rychard Ffyfilde of Willscott in the county of Oxford, husbandman beinge sicke in body; but pfect in memory (thanks be given to God) do ordayne this my last will and testament in manner & forme followinge, viz, Ffirste, I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almightie God my maker: hopinge to be saved through the death & passon of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, and my body to be buryed within the churchyeard of Wardenton. Item I give to the church of Wardenton vid. I give to the poore within the parysh of Wardenton xijd. Item, I do acknowleidge by this my will that the one halfe of all the goods in & upon the ground, both moveable & unmoveable is my sonne Jhons, given and delivered into his possession foure yeares since by myne own hands. The other half I give as followeth, ffirst unto my sonne Robert I give ten pounds to be payed his within fower yeares after my desease. Item I give unto my daughter Anne xiijl viiijd to be payde hir at hir day of marriage. I give to my daughter Ales vil xiius iiiijd to be payed hir at hir day of marriage. If she marry not my will is that she shall continue with my sonne Jhon furinge the tearmes of the lease & hir sayde legacy evil xiijs iiijd to remayne to the benefyte of myne executor. Item I give unto my sonne Walter half a quarter of barly to be delivered to him within two years after my desease. Item my wyll is that yf ether Robert my sonne or Anne my daughter chance to depart this life before there tyme that their legacyes shalbe due but then that there such legacyes of them or ether of them shall remaine unto the reste of my children equally dividinge. Ffurther my wyll is that Elizabeth my wife shalbe kept & maynetayned from tyme to tyme during hir naturall lyfe at the charges of myne executor. All the rest of my goods, cattells & chattels unbequeathed, my debts & legacyes payd & my ffunerall discharged, I give unto my sonne Jhon whome I make my whole executor of this my last will & testament. Myne overseers I do appoint Thomas Badger and Thomas Gubbin to whome I give vld a peece.
Wytnesses: Thomas Badger, Thomas Gubbin

Richard and Elizabeth had the following children:

*1. John, born about 1540; married 1) Alice, 2) Agnes Stacye 13 November 1572 in Wardington.

2. Robert

3. Anne

4. Ales

5. Walter

SOURCES: Wardington parish register; will of Richard Fifield of Wardington, 1597.


John Vifylde was born in about 1490 of Wardington. John acted as an overseer for the will of John Gubbyn of Williamscot in 1547.

John died and left a will dated 1559.

John Vyfelde will

Will of John Vifylde of Williamscot, 1559

John Vifylde of Williamscot, 1559

In the name of God Amen, the second daye of October  James anno reg, I John Vifylde sick of bodie but of pfectt remembrance do make my last will as folowith: fyrst I bequeath my soule unto God and my bodie to be bured in the churchyard of Mary Mandelyne in the tow of Wardenton. I geve to the high alter iijd and to the bells iiijd. Item to John Sabion a shepe. Item to towe  children of Richard Vyfillde ij shepe. All the rest of my goodes unbequeathed I geve to Richard my sonne whome I make my full executor to pforme my will, to paye my debtes and to bringe me honestlie to the earthe. And I make John Thorpecroft, Thomas Eden, William Garnar, overseers, and they to have for ther labors iiij apece. Wyttnes  hereof Thomas Laye, Thomas Eden, Willm Garnar.

John had the following children:

1. Richard, born about 1520 of Wardington; married Elizabeth; will dated 1597.

SOURCE: Will of John Vifylde of Williamscot, 1559.

Other early Fifield/Vyfyldes in Wardington:

SOURCE: Will of Thomas Vifylde of Williamscot, 1559.