He left a will written 21
August 1557, and proven 1558. The will mentions his wife Jone,
daughters Elzabeth, Avys (Alice), Margerie, and brother
William Gyll.
Testamentum Thomae Gyll
paroch' de Cropredye
In the name of God Amen the xxj daye of August
Anno d'ni 1557 I Thomas Gyll with a parfette memory
and sicke in body doo make my wyll in this maner and forme
ffyrst I betake my sowle to God all myghtie and to his
blessed mother Saynte Marie and to all the holly cumpanye in
Heaven my bodye to be buryed in the churche yarde of owr
Ladie in the parisshe of Cropredye. I doo gyve unto the hye
alter for foregotten tythes iiijd And to the reparac'ons of
the same xijd And to the sepulcre light iiijd And to the
roodelight iiijd And to the bells xijd And to the sowe
Bridge iiijd And to ev'y godchilde ijd apece.
And I doo gyve unto Margarett
Lynton the croppe of a quartern lande called Cowpers
lande for the space of one yere And I doo gyve unto Elzabeth
my dawghter my greate brasse potte and my greate
spytte and a quartern Lande and my Wyll is that Jone my
wyffe shall have the occupying of it so longe as she
dothe lyve. And I doo gyve unto Elzabeth my dawghter
my best Iron bounde carte And to Jone my wyffe and Elzabeth
my dawghter my hole teeme as it is nowe, And I doo make Jone
my wyffe and Elzabeth my dawghter my full executrices they
to bringe my bodye honestly to the grounde perfourmyng my
wyll and to paye my detts they to have the resydew of my
goods unbequested These goods to be departed betwyxt theym
two by the discretion of my overseers and other honest men.
And when these goods be departed in even porc'ons then my
wyll is that Avys and Margerye my dawghters shall
have halffe of my goods with their syster Elzabeth.
And my wyll is that Avys and Margerie my dawghters shall
have ether of theym a colte of three yeres olde bred up
betwyxte theym two beyng my executrices. And to Richarde
Gyll tymber to make hym a plough with all. And I doo
make Wyllyam Gyll my brother Thomas Plantte and Hugh
Sabyne my overseers they to have for their Labors iijs iiijd
apece. And yf that Avys my dawghter and Margerie her syster
be not contente that Elzabeth my dawghter shall have
my greate spytte my greate potte and my quartern Lande as
they dyd promisse me that they wolde be contente therwith or
els they shall have no parte with Elzabeth my dawghter and
this is my my wyll that it shalbe ordered. These bering
wytnesse here-of Richarde Denze John Russell with
certen other. Thus Jhesu reste my sowle at his pleasure amen
Thomas and Jone had the following children:
1. Richard
*2. Elizabeth, married Thomas Densie; left a will
dated 16 June 1596 in Cropredy.
3. Margery, christened 13 December 1539 in Cropredy
4. William, buried 9 February 1556/7 in Cropredy.
5. Edith
6. Alice
7. Em
8. Thomas