John Hall was born in about 1615 of Watlington, the son of John and Cicilie Hall. John was a plowmaker. John married 1) Barbara Coulbrooke 1 June 1640 in Watlington.

John Hall marriage 1640

Marriage record for John Hall and Barbara Coulbrooke in Watlington:
"Johannes Hall et Barbara Coulbrook nup fuerent eodem die"

John's children were mentioned in the will of their aunt Mary Hall in 1649: "I give to John Hall and Thomas Hall and Christopher Halle and Elizabeth Halle and Mary Halle sonnes and daughtares to John Halle twentie shillinges a peece". These must be the children of John and Barbara, as the will was proven before Barbara died.

Barbara died at the birth of their daughter Barbara, and was buried 2 May 1652 in Watlington.

John then married 2) Margerie.

John died and was buried 9 January 1682 in Watlington.

        Hall burial 1682

Burial record for John Hall in Watlington:
 " John Hall senr was buryed Jan: 9th of which an affidavit was brought in due time"

John left a will written 29 November 1679 and proven 1682:

John Hall

Will of John Hall of Watlington 1682

In the name of God Amen, the nine and twentieth day of November in the one and thirtieth yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord Kinge Charles, and in the yeare of our Lord God one thowsand six hundred seaventy and nine, I John Hall the elder of Watlington in the County of Oxon, plowmaker beinge in good health and perfect memory (thanks be to God) doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and forme ffollowinge, ffirst I give and bequeath my soule to Almighty God my maker, assuredly hopeinge to be saved through the meritts and passion of Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer, and my body to be buried in decent manner in the churchyard of Watlington aforesaid.

And as touching such worldly estate as the Lord in mercy hath lent me, I doe will and dispose of the same as ffolloweth, Imprimis I give and bequeath to my sonne John Hall the sume of ffive pounds of lawfull money of England, to my sonne Thomas Hall the sume of fforty shillings of like money. To my daughter Elizabeth the sume of ffiteene pounds of lawfull money of England. To my sonne Christopher the sume of three pounds of like money. To my sonne Henry Hall the sume of fforty shillings of lawfull money of England and to my daughter Margery the sume of ffifteene pounds of lawfull money of England, the said severall sumes of money herein before bequeathed to be paid within two yeares next after my decease. Item, I give and bequeath unto Margery my loveinge wife my joyne bedsteed whereon I usually lye with the bedding and furniture thereunto belonging. Item, I give and devise unto my sonne Henry Hall all those my three acres of arable land with their and very of their appurtenances lyeinge and beinge in the common fields of Watlington aforesaid in manner and forme as is herein after expressed (that is to say) one acre lyeinge in the Howfeild, and beinge the furthest acre of Troo, one end thereof shooting upon the How way and the other end shootinge towards Ffernhill, and adjoyninge to the land of John Chare on the southeast one halfe acre lyeinge in Short Marlebrooke and adjoyninge to the land of John Rese on the northwest, one acre lyeinge in Littlefield, in a furlong called the Bottome Furlonge, neare Borocre Hedge and adjoyninge to the lands of the said John Chare on the southeast, and one halfe acre lyeinge in the other little fielde, shootinge upon Hounglowe Brook and adjoyninge to the land of Roger Stacy on the northwest, to have and to hold the said three acres of arable land with their and every of their appurtenances unto my said sonne Henry Hall, his heires and assignes for ever. Item I give and bequeath unto Margery my said wife, and Mary my daughter all that my one acre of arable land with the appurtenances lyeinge and beinge in Edgingdon field in the Liberty and pcincts of Watlington aforesaid and there adjoyninge to Sheepbrooke on the northwest and headinge a furlong called Sandy ffurlonge on the southeast, to hold unto the said Margery my wife and Mary my daughter their executors, administrators and assignes for and dureinge the terme of eleaven yeares to commence and and begin with the day of the date of this my will att and for the yearly rent of one penny payable att the ffeaste of St. Mchaell Th'archangell only if it shall be lawfully demanded, and from and after the end and expiration of the said terme of eleaven yeares I hereby give and devise my said one acre of arable land lyeinge in Edgingdon field aforesaid with thappurtenances unto my grandchild Richard White and his hares and assignes for ever. Item my funeral expences, debts and legacies beinge paid and discharged I give and bequeath the lease and terme of and in the cottage I hold of the ffeoffees of Watlington aforesaid. And all the rest of my goods, chattels, cattell, credits, corne, and household stuffe unto Margery my said wife and Mary my daughter whom I make and ordayne joint executrixes of this my last will and testament. And I nominate and appoint my loveinge brother in law Robert Parslome and my neighbor John Benson overseers of this my said will and doe pray and desire them to be aiding and assisting to my said executrixes and to see this my will performed according to the true intent and meaning hereof. In witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare sixth above written.

John Hall

Signed, sealed and published by the said John Hall the elder as his last will and testament in the presence of us.
Tho: Lucas Sen.
Jane Lucas
Thomas Lucas jun

An inventory was taken for John:

John Hall inventory

Inventory for John Hall in Watlington, 1682

A true and pfectt inventory indented of all the gods, cattle, and chattels of John Hall late of Watlington in the County of Oxon deceased taken the xvij daye of November Anno Dom 1638: and appraised by us whose names are here underwritten.
Inprimus, all his wearing apparel  1-0-0
In the hall
Item, one table & frame, one forme, one chaire & a little stoole 20-7-0
Item, three brasse kettles, three brasse potts with seaven brasse candle sticks, two chafers, two chasindishes, one spice morter and a warming panne  3-0-0
Item, foureteene pewter platters, three porringers, eleaven fruite dishes, one quart pott, one salte, one little bottle, one little pott and a chamber pott  4-10-0
Item, one fryinge panne, three spits, one griddiron, a paire of andirons, two pott hangers, twoe pothooks, one paire of tonnges, one chopping knife, one clever, one tostinge iron and a dripping panne  0-8-0
Item, eight paire of sheetes, one table cloth, two napkins, foure pillowbeeres, one cupboard cloth & a curteyne   3-0-0
Item, five coffers, one cupboard, two bedsteeds, two feather beds, one coverled, three blancketts, three pillows & a boulster  4-0-0
Item, tenne pounds of hempe and five pounds of wollen  0-6-0
Item, three keevers, three barrels, one tube, one charme, one pouldringe trought, one bucket and other lumber  0-10-0
Item, money in the house 1=10=0
In the barnes:
Item, wheate, masline, barly & oates to thresh & threshes  8=0=0
Item, corne upon the ground of wheate and masline  8-0-0
Item, twoe beasts and one sheepe  4-0-0
Item, tymber in the workehouse and in the yards  6-0-0
Item, his working tooles  0-10-0
Item, one annitie of one yeare and a half to come and the lease of his house  7-0-0
Sum total  xlixl xid 0s

John and Barbara had the following children:

1. John, christened 1 June 1640 in Watlington; married Anne Hambleton 26 June 1665 in Watlington.

2. Thomas, christened 27 December 1641 in Watlington; married Allice Hester 17 January 1668 in Watlington; occupation: cooper; died 1710.

*3. Mary, born in about 1642 of Watlington; married Richard White 25 November 1666 in Watlington; buried 4 September 1716 in Watlington; left a will.

4. Christopher

5. Elizabeth

6. Barbara, christened 2 May 1652 in Watlington.

John and Margerie had the following children:

7. Hester, christened 12 April 1653 in Watlington.

8. Richard, christened 15 March 1655 (son of John Hall, plowman)

9. Henry

10. Margery, christened 10 November 1661 in Watlington.

SOURCES: Watlington parish register; will of John Hall of Watlington, 1682.


John Hall was born in about 1590 of Watlington, the son of Edmond and Grace Hall. He married Cicilie. John was a ploughwright (someone who makes and repairs plows).

John died and was buried 3 November 1639 in Watlington.

John Hall burial 1638

Burial record for John Hall in Watlington:
"Johanes Hall sepultus ferat tertis die Novembris 1639"

John left a will dated 23 April 1638 and proven 1639.

John Hall will

Will of John Hall of Watlington, 1639

In the name of God Amen, the three and twentieth daie of Aprill Anno Domini 1638, I John Hall the elder of Watlington in the County of Oxon, plowright beinge sick in boddy but of goode & perfecte memorie (thanks bee given to God) doe make and ordeyne this my last will and testament in manner and forme followeinge, ffirste I bequeath my soule unto Almightie God my Creator verily trustnige through him and his deare Sonne whoe shed his most precious bloud for me, to have free forgiveness of all my sinnes.  Secondly I bequeath my boddy to the earth from whome itt came to bee buried in the church yard of Watlington aforesaid att the discretion of my executor and overseers hereafter named.

Item I give to the maintenance of the church windowe standing against the seate belonging to my house the some of twelve pence to bee paid within one yeare after my decease. Item, I give and bequeath unto Henry Hall my eldest sonne, all my close of errable land conteynnige by estmiacon one and a halfe and the barne thereunto belonging. And alsoe sixe acres more of errable lynige dispersed in the upper ffeilds of Watlington aforesaid; to him and the heires of his boddy lawfully begotten for ever, And for default of such yffect to Richard and Thomas my twoe yonngest sonnes and to their heires for ever equally to bee devided between them. Item I give and bequeath unto my said sonnes Richard and Thomas the some of twenty pounds apiece to bee devided between them. Item, I give and bequeath unto my said sonnes Richard and Thomas the some of twenty pounds apiece to bee paid by my said sonne Henry whom one yeare after my decease, which yf my said sonne Henry Hall refuse to paye; then my will is that my will is that my twoe sonnes Richard and Thomas Hall hold enjoy the said close and barne until the end and expiracon of a lease made by Sir Barrindme Mollyns for divers years yet to come. Item, I ffurther give unto my said sonne Henry one paire of sheetes, one pillowe and pillowebeere, a greate brasse pott, twoe pewter platters, one brasse candlestick and one coffer from my executor hereafter named. Item I give and bequeath unto Christopher my second sonne all my house and lande in Brightwell Sallom in the County of Oxon and all the pffits thereof, to him and to the heires of his boddy lawfully begotten for ever. And for defaulte of such yffect to my said sonne Thomas and to his heires for ever. Item I further give unto my said sonne Christopher one coffer, one pillowebeere, one brasse pott, one paire of sheetes, twoe pewter platters, twoe porringers, and one brasse candlestick from my executor hereafter named. Item, I give and bequeath unto John my third sonne ffowre acres of errable land lynige in the lower ffeild of Watlington aforesaid, to him and to the heires of his boddy lawfully begotten for ever. And for defaulte of such yffect to my said sonne Christopher and to his heires for ever. Item, my will and meaning is that Cicilie my wife shall have and enjoy the chamber and the best bedd and bedsteed with all the furniture and bedding thereunto belonginge with the use of the chimney and oven, with free libtie of ingresse, egresse, and regresse att all tymes convenient into and from the same during her naturall life. Item, I give and bequeath unto my said wife (so as shee clayme not the thirde of my lande and goods) the some of ffive pounds yearly during her widdowehood to bee paid by my said sonnes Henry, Christopher and John in manner and forme following, viz. my sonne Henry to paye the some of ffiftie shillings yearly att the ffeaste of St. Michaell the archangell and the Annunciaton of our blessed Lady St. Mary the virgine by even and equall portons, the ffirste paymt to begine att the next ffeast after my sonne Christopher to paye the some of twenty shillings att the ffeaste aforesaid by equall portons. And my sonne to paye the some of thirtie shillings yearly att the said ffeaste by equall portons. Item, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary the some of thirtie pounds to bee paid by my executor hereafter named within one yeare after my decease. Item I further give unto my said daughter one feather bedd, one blanket, one paire of sheetes, one pillows, pillowe & pillowbeere, three pewter platters, one brasse candlestick, one great kettle, the great barrel and a ffine cheste from my executor hereafter named. Item, I further give unto my said sonne Richard one paire of sheetes, one pillowbeere, one boulster, three pewter platters, one brasse candlestick and the little kettle from my executor hereafter named. Item, I further give unto my said sonne Thomas three pewter platters, the little brasse pott, one pillowebeere, one napkin, one brasse candlestick, one cofferr, twoe paire of sheetes, and one barrel from my executor hereafter named. And lastie I give and bequeath all rest of my goods, cattle and chattels both moveable and unmoveable not given, willed nor bequeathed unto my said sonne John whom I make my sole executor of this my last will and testament pformed; And I doe desire and appointe my loving ffreinds Thomas Cooper and Thomas Heyborne overseers of this my last will and testament. And I doe hereby revoke all former wills by me willed and bequeathed. In wittnes whereof I the said John Hall have hereunto putt my hand and seale even the daye and yeare ffirst above written.

John Hall

John Hall signature

            Signature of John Hall

Published, sealed and delivered in the presence of us:
John Hull, butchere
Thomas Hall butcher
Tho: Cooper jun.

Proven 26 April 1639

An inventory was taken for John:

John Hall inventory

Inventory for John Hall of Watlington, 1639

A true and pfectt inventory indented of all the gods, cattle, and chattels of John Hall late of Watlington in the County of Oxon deceased taken the xvij daye of November Anno Dom 1638: and appraised by us whose names are here underwritten.
Inprimus, all his wearing apparel  1-0-0
In the hall
Item, one table & frame, one forme, one chaire & a little stoole 20-7-0
Item, three brasse kettles, three brasse potts with seaven brasse candle sticks, two chafers, two chasindishes, one spice morter and a warming panne  3-0-0
Item, foureteene pewter platters, three porringers, eleaven fruite dishes, one quart pott, one salte, one little bottle, one little pott and a chamber pott  4-10-0
Item, one fryinge panne, three spits, one griddiron, a paire of andirons, two pott hangers, twoe pothooks, one paire of tonnges, one chopping knife, one clever, one tostinge iron and a dripping panne  0-8-0
Item, eight paire of sheetes, one table cloth, two napkins, foure pillowbeeres, one cupboard cloth & a curteyne   3-0-0
Item, five coffers, one cupboard, two bedsteeds, two feather beds, one coverled, three blancketts, three pillows & a boulster  4-0-0
Item, tenne pounds of hempe and five pounds of wollen  0-6-0
Item, three keevers, three barrels, one tube, one charme, one pouldringe trought, one bucket and other lumber  0-10-0
Item, money in the house 1=10=0
In the barnes:
Item, wheate, masline, barly & oates to thresh & threshes  8=0=0
Item, corne upon the ground of wheate and masline  8-0-0
Item, twoe beasts and one sheepe  4-0-0
Item, tymber in the workehouse and in the yards  6-0-0
Item, his working tooles  0-10-0
Item, one annitie of one yeare and a half to come and the lease of his house  7-0-0
Sum total  xlixl xid 0s

John and Cicilie had the following children:

1. Henry

2. Christopher, mentioned in will of sister Mary in 1649 as executor of her will; had children Francis (daughter), and Christopher.

*3. John, born in about 1615; married 1) Barbara Coulbrooke 1 June 1640 in Wardington, 2) Margery; died 9 January 1682, leaving a will.

4. Richard

5. Thomas

6. Mary, left a will dated 18 October 1649.

SOURCES: Watlington parish register; will of John Hall of Watlington, 1639; will of John Hall of Watlington, 1682; will of Mary Halle of Watlington, 1649.


Edmond Hall was born in about 1570 of Watlington. He married Grace. Edmond was a labourer.

Edmond died in 1612, leaving a will dated 12 December 1612.

Edmond Hall will

Will of Edmond Hall of Watlington, 1612

In the name of God Amen, I Edmund Hall of Watlington in the Countie of Oxon, laborer being sicke in body but of good and pfect memory, I give God thanks for the same do ordaine and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following first and principally I bequeath my soule into the hands of Allmyghtie God my Creator and maker, and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Watlington.

Item, wheras my sonne Jhon Hall oweth mee fower pounds I give unto him fivety shillings oute of the said fower pounds and my will is that my said sonne Jhon do pay unto my sonne Richard Hall xxxs. Item I give unto my sonne Richard on paire of sheets. Item, I give to my daughter Agnis Benwell the wife of Raphe Benwell xs which xs is owing mee by Ambrose Steede. Item I give to my sonne Jhon Hall the younger xxs and a paire of sheets. Item I give to my daughter Jane Hall xxs and a paire of sheets. Item, I give to my daughter Grace Hall xxxs and a paire of sheets. All the rest of my goods, chattels or household stufe I give and bequeath to my loving wife  Grace Hall whome I make my full and whole executrix to see my body buried and my legacies discharged.

An inventory was also taken for Edmond:

Edmond Hall inventory

Edmond Hall inventory

A inventory of the goods of Edmund Hall of Watlington in the County of Oxon, laborer, late deceased  praised by Thomas Ovie and William Shervinton of Watlington aforesaid the xxth of September anno domini 1612.
Imprimis, his wearing apparel praysed at xxs
In the chamber
Item, xiij paire of linen sheets praised at iijl xis viijd
Item, a fflocke beed, ij boulster, iij pillows, ij coverlets, ij blankets, praised at xxxvis
Item, iii coafers and a smale boxe praised at viijs
Item, ij barrels & other lumber praised at ijs
In the hall rome
Item, a cubberd and a table & a standard praised xs
Item, ij brase pots, iij kettles, on chaffer praised at xxiijs
Item, xij peeres of pewter, ij salt sellers, ij brasen candlesticks, vi spoons praised at xxs
Item, iron stufe praised at iiijs
Item in deabts owing him as appereth by specyaltys xiijl xs
Suma xxiiijl iiijs viijd

Thomas Ovy
William Sherburton

Edmond and Grace had the following children:

*1. Jhon, born about 1590 of Watlington; married Cicilie; buried 3 November 1639 in Watlington, leaving a will.

2. Richard

3 Agnis; married Raphe Benwell

4. Jane

5. Grace

SOURCES: Will of Edmond Hall of Watlington, 1612; Watlington parish register on CD, Oxfordshire Family History Society.