John Coulbrooke was born in about 1590 of Watlington, Oxfordshire.

Coulbrook is an unusual name in Watlington, and only two Coulbrookes are recorded in the parish records: the marriage of Barbara Coulbrooke, and the christening of John Coulbrooke.

John and his wife had the following children:

*1. Barbara, born in about 1620 of Watlington; married John Hall 1 June 1640 in Watlington; buried 2 May 1652 in Watlington.

2. John, christened 11 March 1637 in Watlington.

SOURCES: Watlington parish register on CD, Oxfordshire Family History Society.




John Coulbrooke was born in about 1560 of Watlington. He married Agnes. John was a shearman. A shearman was a skilled worker who worked with shears, cutting the fleece from sheep, or cutting cloth or metal.

John died in about 1610, leaving a will proven 8 November 1610:

Will of
        John Coulbrooke

Will of John Coulbrooke of Watlington, 1610

In the name of God Amen I John Coulbrooke of Wallington in the county of Oxon shereman beinge sicke in bodie but of good perfecte memory thankes be given to God for the same doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following ffirst and principallie I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almightie God my Creator and maker and my bodie to be buried in the churchyard of Watlington. Item I give unto the poore of Watlington twenty shillings to be lent unto the saide poore inhabitants by the discreaton of the vicar and churchwardens and securitie to be taken by them for one whole yeare always to be paide home when the saide churchwardens give upp there accompte unto the parishe. Item I give unto my sonne in lawe John Shirffilde and to my daughter Agnes his wife twenty pounds to be paide in manner and forme following that is to say at the ffeaste of Sainte Michaell Tharchangell next after my decease five pound of good and lawfull money of England and at the ffeast of Sainte Michaell tharchangell next following five poundes of good and lawfull money of England until the aforesaid somme of twenty poundes be fully satisfied and paide. Item I give unto Agnes Shirfeilde daughter to my saide sonne in lawe John Shirffeilde five poune of good and lawfull money of England to be paide unto the saide Agnes Shirffield at the ffeaste of Sainte Michaell tharkangell next ensuewinge after the payment of the saide twenty poundes above mentioned. Item I give unto John Shirffeild sonne to the aforesaide John Shirffeelde and to my daughter five poundes to be paide to the saide John Shirffeild at the ffeast daie of Sainte Michaell tharckangell next after the last payment above mentioned. Item I give and unto Thomas Shirffeld my daughters sonne five poundes to be paide unto him at the ffest of Sainte Michaell tharckangell next ensewinge after the last payment above mentioned. Item I give unto Mary Shirffeilde my daughters daughter five poundes to be paide unto her at the ffeast of Sainte Michaell next ensewinge after the last payment above mentioned. Item I give unto Agnes my wiffe forty shillings a yeare dureinge her natural life to be paid her by my executor and to fynde her meate and drincke hose and shooes sufficiently. Item yf my saide wife mislike of her sonnes keepeinge that is my executor or of her meate or drincke then my will is that my executor shall paye her five pounde a yeare dureinge her natural life. Item I give unto my saide wife the best bed in the house standing in the chamber with all things there unto belonging namely the bedsteede a flockebed a featherbed two payer of the best sheetes in the house the best coverlet the coffer and presse that standes in the chamber. Item my will is my sonne in law John Sherfeilde and my executor shall have my malte quearne between them because I  thincke it fit to serve bothe there turnes. Item I give unto John Shirfeilde my daughters sonne two payer of sheares which hangeth in the shop one payer of the best and one payer of backe sheares. Item I give unto John Shirfeilde my sonne in lawe one pigge one of the two which are in my backesyde. Item I give unto Ambros Allene my wives sisters sonne twenty shillings to be paide him at the end and accomplishment of his apprintishipp. Item I give unto Catherine Hasley tenn shillings to be paide her at the daie of her marriage or at one and twenty years of age which shall first happen. Item I give unto Agnes Shirfeilde and and Thomas Shirfeilde my daughters children one swarme of bees. Item I give unto Ellinor Stevens my servannte ten shillings to be paide her within one yeare after my decease. Item I give unto Agnes my daughter my best postnett. Item my will is that if it happen that any of my daughters children chance to die before they have received there legacie above mentoned that then tht saide legacie or legacies shall remayne and be equally devided amongst the rest of the above named children which remaine lovinge. Item my will is that my daughter Agnes Shirfilde shall have the aforesaide bed with the furnitude thereunto belonging given to my wife as above menconeth after the decease of my saide wife. Item all the rest of my goodes chattels cattells debtes and household stuffe moveable and unmoveable whatsoever I give and bequeath unto my sonne John Coulbrooke whom I doe make my full and whole executor to see my bodie buried and my debtes and lecacies paide. Item request my welbeloved ffreindes Mr Robert Avis vicar of Watlington and Allexander Godfrey to be overseers of this my last will and testament and I give to each of them for there paines to be taken therin five shillings a peece. Dated the first daie of Julie Anno domini one thousand six hundredth and ten Witnesses hereunto Robert Avis and Allexander Goodfree./

John and Agnes had the following children:

1. Agnes, married John Shervill (Shirfield); appointed as executor in her husband's will of 1633.

2. Elizabeth, christened 17 April 1580 in Iffley, Oxfordshire (a parish about thirteen miles north of Watlington).

*3. John, born in about 1590 of Watlington.

SOURCES: Will of John Coulbrooke of Watlington, 1610, Prerogative Court of Canterbury; will of John Shervill of Watlington, 1633; Iffley parish register;