Robert died in 1661, leaving a will written in September 1661
and proven 20 December 1661. His will mentioned "my sonns
John and Robert and my daughter Issabell" "my sonne
William" and "Ellen my wief".
Robert and Ellen had the following children:
1. John, christened 14 September 1638 in Duffield; mentioned in father's will of 1661; a will was left by John Matkyn alias Cartwright, weaver of Shottle in Duffield parish in 1673. He left bequests to his wife Frances and daughters Anna and Sarah. Edward Bramley was named as one of his executors..SOURCE: Will of Robert Cartwright alias Matkyn, 1661; will of Henry Matkyn alias Cartwright, 1670; will of John Matkyn alias Cartwright, 1673;
the name of God Amen, I Robert Cartwright als Matkyn of
Shottle in the parishe of Duffeld and in Countie of
Derbie, webster, do make this my last will and testament
in manner and forme as followeth: I beinge, the Lord be
praised in perfect sense and memorie thoughe somewhat
weake in bodie. Imprimis, I give and bequeath my soule
to God my maker and to Jesus Christe my redeemer and my
bodie to be buried in the parrishe church yarde of
Duffeld and all the rest of my worldy goodes I give and
bequeath as hereafter following, Imprimis, I give and
bequeath to my sonne Thomas Cartwright alias Matkyn 102
pence. Item I give and bequeath to my sonne Henry
Cartwright als Matkyn 102 pence. Item I give and
bequeath unto my daughter Anne Cartwright als Matkin 102
pence. Item, I give and bequeath all the sheepe which
are mine ownd unto my wife Issabell Cartwright alias to
due with them what she will. And And as for the rest of
my goodes quick and dead whatsoever I doe wholie give
them to my wife Issabell Cartwright als Matkyn and to my
sonne Robert Matkyn als Cartwright and to my sonne
William Cartwright als Matkyn, and I do make my sonne
Robert Cartwright als Matkyn my full and sole executor
of this my last will and testament. And I doe make
Henrie Cartwright als Matkyn and Wm Cartwright als
Matkyn supervisors of the same and give to each of them
wyd for there paynes, my funeral discharged, my debts
paid. In witness where of I the said Robert Cartwright
als Matkyn have unto this my last will and testament
sett my hand and seale the seaventeenth daie of April in
the first yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord
Charles King of England, Scotland, Ffrance and Ireland,
defender of the faith, Anno Dom 1630.
It is interesting
to note that William went by the name Cartwright in his will
of 1589, but both sons Robert and William were shown as
Cartwright alias Matkyn in their wills of 1620 and 1630, and
the name continued for several generations. Henry was named
as Henry Cartwright als Matkin in a mortgage document in
Duffield Manor Court records in 1605. Alias in this case
might be used to differentiate from a family of the same
name, to acknowledge a change of name, or to acknowledge an
of William Cartwryght, 1589
the name of God Amen, the xxvijth of October in the xxxth
yeare of the raygne of our most gratiose souvereign Ladye
Elyzabeth by the grace of God of England, Ffrance and
Ireland,queene, defender of the fayth, I Willm
Cartewryght of Duffield in the county of Derby,
Webster, deseased in bodye but of good & pfyct mynde
& remembrance, I thanke God, institute, ordayne &
make thys my last wyll & testament in maner and forme
following, Fyrst I geve & bequethe my sole to Almyghty
God my maker & to Jesus Christ my redeemer, and my
bodye to be buryed in Duffield church yarde wheresoever it
shall please my executors heareafter named. Also, my wyll
and mynd is that John Cartewryght my eldyste sone
shall have these goods both quicke & deade which is
his owed, geven bothe by me & other of his frends,
knowne both by himself his mother & my other
executors. Item, I geve to Robt Cartewryght my second
sone, fyve pounds of lawfull Englysh mony in full
recompense of his chylde pte. Item, I geve to Willm
Cartewryght my third sonne xijd in recompense of his
chylde pte, & also I geve to Thomas Fletcher my
son in law & Margreat his wyfe other
xijd in recompense of her chylde pts, & furthermore I
geve to my afforesayd eldest sone John halfe my
workinge toles as lomes, geres & halfe of all that
belongeth to my occupation pvyded always that the brode
lome is to be devyded equallye amongst all my fore
children, viz John, Robt, Willm & Henrye Cartewryght.
Also I geve to Kateren Cartewryght my wife all my
byes, the greatest brasse pott & my second brasse
pan& I geve to my son Henry Cartewryght my
greatest brasse pan, and finally my wyll it that I be I be
honestlye brought home & my funeral expenses
discharged of the whole of my goods, and all the rest of
all my goods, bothe moveable & unmoveablye I geve the
whollye to the afforsayd Katheren my wyfe & Henrye
my son who I ordayne & make my trew &
lawfull executors & I desire Mr Willm Bradshaw of
Duffeld & Mr Willm Bradshaw of Derby to bee
Detts oweinge to me, viz. Willm Cartewryght my sone
oweth to me xls wanting iiijd.
In wyttnes thereof
Mr Willm Bradshaw
& Raphe Compton
A trew inventorye of all the goods and cattell that dyd belonge or appertayne unto Willm Cartewryght deseassed, sene and praysed the vith day of August ano Regina Elyzabth, xxxith 1589 by Mr Willm Bradshaw of Duffeld and Mr WillmBradshaw of Derby, Thomas Grand, an Raph Compton.
thrye kyne, and halfe of thrye calves to - vil xiijs
Item one twyntes heyfor and one year ould calfe - xl
vis viijd
Item one butt - xxxs
Item one swine & tow pygge – xs
Item for byees – vs
Item for puter and brass & maslyn – xls
Item one ould amlrye, a borde, a forme &
tressles, cheres, stoles, shelfes, kytte lomes, fats,
tubs, bedstyddes, and all other wooden ware – xxs
Item for cosves – vs
Item fore matteresses, tow blankets, fore coverlydds,
thryes wyndowsheetes, fyve pare of sheetes &boulsters,
pyllowes and pyllowbeares – vl xs
Item sayer chushins – iijs
Item his working owne geares & instarments
– xls
Item corne and hay – xls
Item his apperall and one Edward shyllinge in his
purse – xs
Item one iron spytt, a land yron & other iron
ware – ijs
Som totals xxiiijl xiiijs
Katherine died and
was buried 15 January 1610 in Duffield.
William and
Kateren had the following children:
1. John, mentioned in father's will of 1589;
mentioned in brother's will of 1620.
*2. Robert,
married Issabell; occupation webster; mentioned in father's
will of 1589; called Robert Cartwright alias Matkyn of
Duffield is his will dated 17 April 1630.
3. William,
occupation weaver; has sons Anthonie, Thomas and Robert,
daughter Hellen; mentioned in father's will of 1589; called
William Cartwright alias Matkyn of Osmaston in his will of
4. Margreat; married Thomas Fletcher; mentioned in
father's will of 1589.
5 Henrye, mentioned in father's will of 1589; called Henry Cartwright als Matkin in manor court records in 1605.
Kateren died and
was buried 15 January 1610 in Duffield.
Duffield parish register; Will of William Cartwryght,
1589; will of Robert Cartwright alias Matkyn, 1630; will
of William Cartwright alias Matkyn, 1620, on