John Ferrington was christened 14 December 1628 in High Ercall, Shropshire, the son of Thomas Ferington and Elizabeth Wood. John married Alice Eykin 29 September 1655 in High Ercall.

John Ferrington marriage

Marriage record for John Ferrington and Alice Eyken in High Ercall:
"This intention of matrimony betweene John Ferrington of Rowton in ye parish of High Ercall ye sonne of Tho. Ferington of R. aforesaid on the one parte
and Ales Eykin of Peinton
in ye said pish ye daughter of Martha Worrall aforesaid on ye other parte was published".

Alice Eykin was christened 31 March 1633 in High Ercall, the daughter of John and Martha Eykin.

John was given a bequest of twenty shillings in the will of Joanne Wood of High Ercall, widow, in 1652, a relative of his mother: "I give unto John Ferington of Rowton twenty shillings".

John Ferrington, senior, "de Paynton" died and was buried 28 November 1700 in High Ercall, leaving a will:

John Ferrington

Will of John Ferrington, 1700

In the name of God Amen the fourth day of November in the yeare of our Lord God 1700, I John Ferrington of Peinton in the parrish of High Ercoll and County of Sallop, yeoman beinge but weake of bodie but of a sounde and perfect memorie blessed bee God doe make this my last will and testament in maner and fforme as ffolloweth, ffirst I bequeath my soule unto Almighty God in hopes to bee taken by the merits of Jesus Christ, my blessed Saviour, and my bodie to bee buried in the parish churchyard of Ercoll Magna, and as for that estate which the Lord hath lent mee, I give and bequeath as ffolloweth, ffirst I give unto my sonns John, William Ferrington and Samuell each of them one shillinge, and to my daughter Anne Tither and my daughter Ellizabeth Clarke each of them one shillinge. Item, I give unto my godson John Tither and my godsonne Thomas Ferrington and my god daughter Sarah Ferrington, and my god daughter Elizabeth Clarke and to my god sonne Jonathan Chidley each of them one shillinge. Item I give and bequeath all the rest of my goodes, cattell, and chattels of what kinde, nature or quallitie whatsoever with implements of husbandry and houshould goodes to my deare and lovinge wife giving and dischargeinge my debts and ffunerall charge and lastlie I doe nominate and appointe my deare and loving wife to bee my sole executrixe to see this my last will and testament performed, revokeinge all former wills. In witness whereof I the said John Ferrington have hereunto put my hand and seale the day and yeare ffirst above written.

Alice Ferrington was mentioned in an associated note as the sole executrix.

John also left an inventory:

John Ferrington inventory

Inventory for John Ferrington, 1700

A true and pfecte inventory of all and singular the goodes & cattell of John Ferrington late of Peinton in the County of Sallop, yeo. Taken and prased the ninth day of November in the yeare of our Lord God 1700 by us that have hereunto subscribed our names, viz.

Imprimis, one cow at 2  10  0

Two heifers at  4  0  0

Two calves at 1  6  8

One mare & coult at 4  0  0

Corne & hay growing upon the ground  3  0  0

One cart wheele & implements of husbandry  0  13  4

One bed, one table with brass & pewter  0  12  0

One bed, one press, 3 coffers, two barrels, one stand  1  10  0

One barrel, one stand at  0  5  0

Houshould provision at  0  10  0

His wearenge appell at   0  10  0

18  17  0

Praisers  Robert Wood

William Fferington

Alice died and was buried 20 February 1703: "Alice Ferrington widow of Paynton was buried on the twentieth day of February" in High Ercall.

Alice Ferrington burial

Burial record for Alice Ferrington in High Ercall

She left a brief inventory, proven 26 April 1704:

An inventory of the goods and chattells of Alice Ferington lab of the Parish of High Ercall

One cow and calfe at      02:00:00
Household goods            00:12:00
                             Toto    02:12:00

The will was proven and a note in Latin mentions "Willielmo Ferington filio", the son of Alice.

Alice Ferrington inventory

Alice Ferrington inventory, 1704

John and Alice had the following children:

1. John, christened 19 November 1656 in High Ercall, "of Pinton"; mentioned in father's will of 1700.

2. Elizabeth, christened 7 February 1658 in High Ercall, "of Peinton".

*3. Anne, christened 2 November 1659 in High Ercall, "of Peinton"; married Abraham Tyther 23 October 1682 in High Ercall. Anne was shown as being "of Payneton"; mentioned in father's will of 1700. 

Anne Ferrington

 Baptism record for Anne Ferrington in High Ercall: "Anne the daughter of Ferrington of Peinton & of Ales his wife was borne Noveber 2d"

4. Thomas, christened 20 January 1661/2 in High Ercall.

5. Richard, christened 31 May 1664 in High Ercall, "de Painton".

6. Samuel, christened 5 October 1666 in High Ercall; "of Paynton"; mentioned in father's will of 1700.

7.  William, christened 3 September 1668 in High Ercall; "of Paynton"; mentioned in father's will of 1700.

8. Elizabeth, christened 1 June 1671 in High Ercall, "of Paynton"; married Mr. Clarke; mentioned in father's will of 1700.

SOURCE:; High Ercall parish register on; inventory of Alice Fferington of High Ercall at Lichfield Record Office; will of John Ferrington of Peinton, 1700, on


Thomas Ferington was christened 24 June 1594 in Waters Upton, Shropshire, the son of John and Alice Ferrington. He married Elizabeth Wood 12 October 1626 in High Ercall. Elizabeth was born in about 1600 of High Ercall, the daughter of John Wood and Elizabeth Smalwood.

Thomas Ferrington marriage

Marriage record for Thomas Ferrington and Elizabeth Wood in High Ercall

Thomas "of Rowton" died and was buried 18 July 1658 in High Ercall. 

Thomas Ferrington burial

Burial record for Thomas Ferrington in High Ercall

Thomas and Elizabeth had the following children:

*1. John, christened 14 December 1628 in High Ercall; married Alice Eykin 29 September 1655 in High Ercall.    

John Ferrington baptism

 Burial record for John Ferrington in High Ercall: "John Ferrington sonne of Thomas Ferrington of Rowton and
 Elizabeth his wife was baptized the xiiijth day of December 1628"

2. Alice, mentioned in Uncle George Wood's will of 1644.

3. Thomas, christened 8 March 1635 in High Ercall.

4. William, christened 14 January 1637/8 in High Ercall.

5. Marie, christened 16 May 1641 in High Ercall.

5. Elizabeth, buried 20 March 1659 in High Ercall: "Elizabeth Ferrington of Rowton the daughter of Elizabeth Ferrington widdow buried ye 20th of March".

SOURCE: High Ercall parish register on


John Ferrington was christened 1 June 1564 in Shawbury, a parish about four miles from High Ercall. His parents were George and Rose Ferrington. John was listed in the parish registers as a husbandman of Rowton.

John married Alice Harding 22 September 1592 in Mucklestone, Staffordshire. Mucklestone is a parish about sixteen miles northwest of Shawbury, near the market town of Market Drayton. Alice was christened 26 February 1569 in Mucklestone, the daughter of Thomas and Anne Harding.

John Ferrington marriage

Marriage record for John Ferrington and Alice Harding in Mucklestone:
"The xxij of Sept were maried John Farrington & Alls Harding"

John was buried 20 July 1601 in High Ercall.

John Ferrington burial

Burial record for John Ferrington in High Ercall

John and Alice had the following children:

*1. Thomas, christened 24 June 1594 in Waters Upton, "of Rowton"; married Elizabeth Wood 12 October 1626 in High Ercall; buried 18 July 1658 in High Ercall.

Thomas Ferrington baptism

 Baptism record for Thomas Ferrington in Waters Upton: "Thomas Ferington sonne of John Ferrington of Rowton was christened
 the xxiijth daye of June"

2. Roger, christened 13 February 1598 in Waters Upton; married Ann; buried 16 March 1665 in High Ercall.

SOURCES: Shawbury parish register; Waters Upton parish register; Mucklestone parish register; High Ercall (Ercall Magna) parish register.


George Ferrington was born in about 1540 of Shawbury, Shropshire. He married Rose.

George died in about 1592, leaving a will proven 11 April 1592:

George Ferrington will

Will of George Ferrington, 1592

In the name of God Amen, I George Ferringtone of Besforde within the p’ishe of Shawburie & dioces of Coventry & Lich, sicke in bodie but of good pfecte memorye thanks be unto Almightie God. I doe ordaine & make this my laste will & testament in manner & forme following, ffirst I bequeath my soule unto Almightie God & my bodie to be buried in Shawburye church yarde. Item, I give unto Rouse Feringtone my wife & my sonnes John Ferington & William Ferringe all my goods quicke & deade of what kynde soever they be I doe ordaine, constitute, nominate, appoynte & make my wife & my sonne John Feringtone executors to see this my last will & testament truly to be pformede. These bearing witness Elizabeth Backus & Margaret Meare with other.

George also left an inventory, mentioning kyne, sheep, swine, geese, plows, coffers, tinware, brass and pewter, tables and formes.

George Ferrington inventory

George Ferrington inventory

The envetory of George Ferrington latly decessed
Imprimes foure oxson prysed – xli
Item thrye kyne presed – iiij li
Item thrye yearlyngges calves presed to xxxis
Item one mare and a colte and a nagge presed – xls
Item shippe presed to – iij li
Item seven henes & geise presed – xvs
Item rye in the barne presed – iiij li xiijs iiijd
Item lentte corne prased to – xxvis viijd
Item heye presed to – xxis
Item a wain a harro ploes youkes an xelyle & impelmentes of husbandrie and houshould presed – ixs
Item bedding prased – xijs
Item kofferes & tinnen warre presed – xs vid
Item brasse and pyeter presed – xiijs
Item chares table & formes pentted cloes and all ymplementes of houshould: all thinges for goten – ijs

Rose died and was buried 3 December 1594 in Shawbury.

Rose Ferrington

Burial record for Rose Ferrington in Shawbury:
"The threde daye of December Roose Feryngton of Preston was buried here in Shabury"

Rose left a will proven 15 July 1595. (The will is dated as being written 1 December 1595, however that would make it written after it was proven. It was likely written 1 December 1594, just two days before Rose died.)

Rose Ferrington will

Will of Rose Ferrington of Preston, 1594

In the name of God Amen the first daye of December in the yeare of our Lord God, 1595, I Rose Farringeton of Preston beinge sicke in bodye not wythstandynge whole and perfecte in mynde and remembrance lawde and prayse be unto all myghtye God I ordayne and make thys mye last wyll and testament in manner and forme followynge first I commende mye sole to almighty God mye makar and redemar and sanctyefyar and mye bodye to be beryed in the parryshe churche yarde of Shaburye in shure and sartayne hope of the resourection unto eternall lyfe through the onlye merytes of the passion and pretious bludsheynge of mye Lorde and Saviour Jesus Christe.
Fyrst I bequethe to mye doughtar Jane on cow and five shipe and all my wearynge apparel and the therd part of the corne.
Item I bequethe to mye doughtar Alyn iij shipe.
Item I bequethe to mye sonne Vinsente xls and on sowe pige.
Item all the reste of mye goodes moveable and unmoveable I bequethe to  John Farryngton and Wyllyam Farryngeton mye sonnes.
And for the performance of thys mye present wyll and testament I constyetute and ordayne mye son John Farryngeton mye sole executowre.
Wytnes heare unto
George Badley
Robart Pytchforde

Rose Ferrington

Inventory of Rose Ferrington

The invetory of all the goodes & cattels of Rose Fferrington deceased.
Imprimis on cow and on bullock – iij li
Item one mare – xviijs
Item ix sheep – xxxvjs
Item on sow pige – iijs 4d
Item on stricke sowynge of winter corne – xs
Item the corne in the house & barne – xxiiijs
Item the implements of husbandry – ijs vjd
Item the brasse & pewter & the dishe bord stoofe – vs
Item on flockebed farnished with clothes – xiijd
Item her wearing aparrell – xiijs 4d
The some is ix li xviijs 4d praysed be George Badley & Robert Pytcheford

George and Rose had the following children:

*1. John, christened 1 June 1564 in Shawbury; mentioned in father's will of 1592; mentioned in mother's will of 1594; mentioned in father's will of 1592; mentioned in mother's will of 1594; married Alice Harding 22 September 1592 in Mucklestone, Staffordshire; buried 20 July 1601 in High Ercall.

John Ferrington baptism

 Baptism record for John Ferrington in the Shawbury parish register: "The firste daye of June John Feryngton the
sonne of George Feryngton of Befford was cristened. Syr John Dychar, Rychard Brone, godfathers, Cristiane Henard, godmother"

2. William, christened 15 January 1570 in Shawbury; mentioned in father's will of 1592; mentioned in mother's will of 1594.

3. Jane, mentioned in mother's will of 1594.

4. Alyn, mentioned in mother's will of 1594.

5. Vinsente, mentioned in mother's will of 1594.

SOURCES: Shawbury parish register on; will of George Ferrington of Shawbury, 1592; will of Rose Ferrington of Preston, 1594, Lichfield and Coventry Probate,

Other early Ferringtons in High Ercall and Shawbury include:

Thomas Ferrington
"of Rowton", was buried 10 December 1606 in High Ercall. He left an inventory dated 3 February 1606/7.
Thomas Ferrington burial 1606

Burial record for Thomas Ferrington in High Ercall, 1606

SOURCES: High Ercall parish register; Waters Upton parish register on; inventory of Thomas Ferrington, 1606/7.