Thomas Farnworth was born in about 1510 of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, England.



Thomas was mentioned in estate records in Mansfield: "1553  7th Edward VI. Copy of exemplification of a decree in the Court of Augmentations, as to the estate devised by the will of Lady Flogan :— Memorandum. For as moche as it apereth unto the Chancellor and gen'all Surveyor of the Court of Th' augmentations and revenues of the Kinge's Maities Crowne, as well by the certificate made on the Kinge's behaulfe into the said Courte, as otherwise that one Dame Cicilie Flogane, widowe, in the saiventhe yeare of the raigne of our late Soveraigne Lord of famous memorie, King Henry the Eighte was seased in her demeane as of fee by copie of Court Rolle of the Kinges Mats Mannor of Maunsfelde in Shirwood in the County of Nottingham, according to the custome of the same Mannor of and in one house or tenemente called the Harte with the certain lands, late in the tenure of William Wyldes, and now in the tenure, ferme, and occupatione of Thomas Farneworthe, in Maunsfielde, in the County of Nottingham, of the yearly ferme of three pounds six shillings eight pence, and one cottage in Maunsfild aforesaid, late in the tenure of Roland Beitney, and now in the tenure and occupatione of Joane Beitney, late weif of the said Roland in the said countie of the yearlie rent of seavin shilling. And one other cotage in the tenure and occupatione of John Clarke, in Maunsfielde, aforesaid, of the yearlie rent of four shillings. And one other cottage, late in the tenure and occupatione of Peter Frost, and now in the tenure of John Porter clerke, in Maunsfielde aforesaid, of the yearly ferme of foure shillings. And one other cottage, now or late in the tenure or occupatione of William Elton in Mauns-field aforesaid of the yearlie value of six shillings; and one other cottage, now or late in the tenure and occupatione of Robert Sprentnall, in Maunsfield, aforesaid, of the yearlie ferme of two shillings. And one other cottage late in the tenure and occupatione of Henry Smith, and now in the tenure of Thomas Farneworth in Maunsfeld aforesaid of the yerly ferme of eight shillings. And one other cottage now or late in the tenure and occupatione of John Chambers, in Maunsfielde, aforesaid, of the yearlie ferme of four shillings. All which lands, tenements, and cottages, byn of the clere yerelie value of five pounds six schillings and eight pence. And the said Dame Cicely Flogan so being seised of the premises at a Court holden at the said Manor, in the seventh yer of the said late King Henry the Eight, surrendered al the said copieholde lands and tenements to the use of Roger Pierpoint, John Porter, clerke, and dyvers other and their heires, to the use and performance of the last will and testament of the said Dame Cicely Flogan, the which Roger and John and other co-feoffees were therof admitted tenants at the same Court accordingly. And that this same Cicelie made her last will and testament, and by the same willed to the said John Porter, clerke, eight merkes yerlie, to be taken and peeyed out of the p'misses to have and peeye to him during his lief. And for that it further appireth by the said certificate and depocicions of witnesses in that behalf taken, that the said Dame Cicely Flogan, by her said last will and testament willed the p'misses during the time of fourscore and nineteen years to the finding of a priest to sing for the soul of the said Dame Cicelie in the said Chappell of Saint Lawrence, in the said Church, and that the issues and profits of the same were co'tynuallie co'verted put and employed to the fynding of a priest according to the same will, untill w'thin five years for the making of the estatute for the dissolucone of colledgs chantries and others in the first yeare of the King's Ma'tys raigne, and that the said John Porter, clerk, who was the priest that song in the said service, and had and received the proffits of the said lands is yet lyvinge, and that of the said terme is yet to come three score and two yeres, and that furthermore the said Thomas Farnesworthe hath the p'misses in ferme for terme of thirty yeres yet to come of the lease of the said Roger Perpoynt and John Porter and other of the said co-feoffees to him made long ago before the said statute. It is therfor ordered and decreed by the said Chancellor and gen'll surveyor in the said Court in the term of Holy Trinitie, that is to say, the sixthe daye of June, in the seaventhe yere of the raigne of our Souveraigne Lord, Edward the Sixte, by the Grace of God King of England, &c, and of the Churche of England and also of Ireland, in earthe the supreme heade, and that the said Thomas Farnesworthe shall from henceforth have, hold, and enjoy all the said copiehold lands, tenements, and cotags to him his executors and assigns, during the said thirtie yeares, and that the King's Ma'tie shall have the residue of the said fourscore yeres next after the said termes ended and determyned. And the said Thomas Farnesworth, during the natural life of the said Sir John Porter, shall content and pay unto the said Sir John Porter yerlie five pounds full of the said eight marks, at the feasts of Seynt Mychaell the Archangell and the Annunciacione of our Lady by even porciones, and the residue of the said yerlie rents of the p'misses being six schillings eightpence unto the King's maisties Receyvore of the said County of Nottingham, for the tyme being, at the lyke termes, to the King's Maitys use, and that after the death of the said Sir John Porter, clerke, the said Thomas Farneworthe, his executors and assigns, shall pay yerlie for the premises to the handes of the said Receyvour, to the use of our said Souveraign Lord the King, his heyres and successors, the said yerlie rent of five pounds six schillings and eight pence, at the said Feaste of Seynt Michael the Archangell and the Annunciacioun of our Lady by even porciones during the residue of the yeres of his said lease, which he shall be then to come." (The History of Mansfield)

Thomas died and was buried 26 June 1572 in Mansfield.

Thomas Farnworth

Burial record for Thomas Farnworth in Mansfield:
"June : 26 Thom: Ffarnworth buried"

Thomas and his wife likely had the following children:

*1. Alice, born in about 1540 of Mansfield; married Richard Kitchen
25 October 1562 in Mansfield.

SOURCES: Mansfield parish register;
The History of Mansfield, William Horner Groves, 1894.