lliam Petipher was born in about 1580 of Warmington, Warwickshire, England. He married the daughter of Robert Huggins. The Warmington parish registers only began in 1635, making rsearch challenging.

lliam was mentioned in the will of his widowed mother Isabella in 1623, along with his three children, Robert, Anne, and Mary, and his brother Richard.

In 1625 Wi
lliam became ill, and a verbal will was created for him.

 William Petipher will

Will of William Petipher of Warmington, 1625

The wi
ll was verbally dictated to Anthony Petipher and Ezekiell Judd. William wanted to leave the care of his three youngest children in the care of his brother Richard. This seems to indicate that his wife was deceased at the time. Possibly she died in childbirth, as their youngest son, Richard must have been born between the time of his grandmother's will in 1623 and William's death in 1625.

lliam's brother Richard refused to care for the children, so William called for his father-in-law Robert Huggins, but William died before Robert arrived.

Mr Anthony Petipher, and Ezeckiell Judd of Warmington in the county of Warrick, commiss to visite Wm Petipher of Warmington aforesaid in the tyme of his sicknes advised him the sayd Wiiam to make his last will and testament, whereupon he aufermed he was willinge. And his last will showld be to this effect: he would gyve unto Robt Petipher his eldest sonne and to his heires for ever the halfe yeard land he held in fee. And further his will was that his land he held by lease should remayne in the occupancy of Richard Petipher his brother to educate and bringe up his towe daughters and Richard his youngest sonne, and after when his sonnes and daughters came to age then his will was that the sayd lease should be sold, and the money to be equally devided amongst the three young children: yf so be that his sayd brother would undertake the charge therof. Afterwardes the sayd Richard coming to see his sicke brother and the matter related unto him he utterly refused to intermeddle therewith, or with any part therof whereupon that sayd Wm Petipher sent away a messauge for Robt Huggins his father in lawe, but departed this lyfe before his sayd father in law could come.
Anthony Petipher parishe of Warmington
Ezeckiell Judd

I Richard Petipher doe herby utterly renounce to intermedly with anything belonging to my late brother deceased and acknowledge the premisses above written to be the truth. In wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hande. Richard Petipher
In presenc of Samuell Huggins and John Berrye.

lliam and his wife (formerly Miss Huggins) had the following children:

1. Robert

*2. Anne, born in about 1610 of Warmington
; married Richard Gascoigne 8 February 1635 in Radway, Warwickshire. Anne Petipher was named as the godchild of Simon Davis in his will of  1619.

3. Mary

4. Richard

: Warmington parish register; Radway parish register; will of William Petipher of Warmington, 1625; will of Isabella Petipher, widow of Warmington, 1623.


Isabella was born in about 1550, and was William Petipher's mother. Her husband and William's father was likely Richard Petipher of Warmington.

Richard was an appraiser for the wi
ll of Thomas Collyns in 1570 in Wardington.

Isabella Petpher
left a will dated 1623, and was a widow at the time.

Isabella Petipher

Will of Isabella Petipher, widow of Warmington, 1623

April the xiiij 1623
In the name of God Amen I Isabel Petiver of Warmington in the County of Warwick, widow, Being sick in body but of perfect minde and memory thankes be to God doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following, First I commit my soule to Almighty God trusting to be saved by the only merites of Jesus Christ my redeemer. Item I bequeath my body to be buryed in the churchyard of Warmington. Item I bequeath to my sonne William Petiver one bed healing of red and yellow culler, one table board standing in the parler one coffer only standing by the said table and one bedsteed without any furniture. Item I give to Henry Huggins fitie poundes in money to be payd within one twelvemonth after my decease. Item I doe remit and forgive five poundes of money which my sonne Richard Petiver oweth me I appoynt to my executor the rent of my five poundes which is then shillings at Martlemas next. Item I give to my sonne Richardes wife a kercheife a nekitcher and apron a paire of handruffes a neckcloth all of linen. Item I give to Alce Collins one cambricke ruffe. Item I have given to William Petivers eldest sone Robert Petiver the sume of three poundes. And to Anne Petiver the sume of foure poundes and to Mary ten poundes the which sumes of money remaine in the hand of my sonne William Petiver. And I doe appoynt my executor to receive theis money to the use of the children which is due to them by hands from their father. Item I give to Susane Huggins the sume of fourteene poundes with the rest of my howshod stuff I give unto my sonne William Petiver twelvepence the rest of my goodes and chattels movable and unmovable my debtes and legasies and funeral being discharged I give unto Samuell Huggins whom I make my sole and only executor of this my last will and testament. I doe appoynt Ezekiell Judd and Henry Thomas to be the overseers of this my will whose names are underwritten being witnesses. Dated the foureteenth day of Aprill Anno Dom 1623

The wording in Isabe
lla's wi
ll is a little vague about whether Anne and Mary were the daughters of William, but a note at the end of the probate document in Latin clarifies that they were. William's youngest son, Richard was not mentioned in Isabella's probate documents, and may not have been born yet.

Isabella Petipher

Probate note for Isabella Petipher
"William Petifer paroche Warmington patri nati Roberti, Anne et Mary Petifer"
lliam Petifer of the parish of Warmington, father of Robert, Anne and Mary Petifer

Isabella was a widow at the time of her will in 1623. Three Petipher men left probate documents in Warmington in the years before her death: George Petipher of Warmington, shepherd in 1608, Richard Petipher of Warmington in 1613, and Abel Petipher of Warmington in 1618. George had a complete will, which only mentioned one Petipher - his brother Roger, so is eliminated as a possibility. Abel only left an inventory and Act Book entry. The Act Book entry mentioned his widow Margaret, so he is eliminated as a possibility.

Richard had on
ly an index entry and Act Book entry, but no will. His Act Book entry mentioned his son Richard. Isabella did have a son named Richard. Isabella's will mentioned primarily money, furniture and clothing in her bequests, but no land, livestock or farm implements. It is likely that Richard was the eIdest son, and had received land, livestock, and farm implements at his father's death. Isabella's bequest were of a more personal nature, It seems likely that her deceased husband was Richard Petipher.

Richard Petipher note

Act Book entry for Richard Petipher, mentioning his son Richard

It is interested to note that Isabe
lla did not name either of her sons, Richard or William as her executor, but name Sumuell Huggins as the executor. The Petiphers seem to have a close relationship with the Huggins, and William married a Huggins girl, the daughter of Robert Huggins.

Richard and Isabe
lla had the following children:

1. Richard, born about 1575, married A
lis, buried 17 March 1643 in Warmington.

*2. Wi
lliam, born about 1580, married Miss Huggins, died 1625 in Warmington.

SOURCES: Warmington parish register; Radway parish register; will of William Petipher of Warmington, 1625; will of Isabella Petipher, widow of Warmington, 1623; Act Book entry for Richard Petipher.


"Richard Petyfer, yeoman of Warmington, and Richard his son bought an estate from the lord of the manor in 1572. Richard paid £63 6s 8d for his messuage, three-and-one-sixth yardlands in Warmington in his own occupation. The property had formerly been occupied by Richard’s parents Edward and Jone Petyfer.

Richard Petyfer probably also owned land in Radway, for according to Dugdale’s Antiquities of Warwickshire the Reverend Anthony Petyfer, rector of Warmington from 1605 until his death in 1629, was son of Richard of Radway. The Rev Anthony Petyfer died a wealthy man as his will shows." (Warmington Heritage Group)

Warmington parish register started
late, in 1635, so most of the research into the Petiphers uses probate records. These are early wills for members of the Petipher family:

Richard Petyfere and his wife Agnes of Warmington were a
lso recorded as members of the Guild of Knowle in 1514.

SOURCES: Warmington Heritage Group; will of John Petipher of Warmington, 1557; will of Jone Petipher of Warmington, 1547; will of John Petipher of Warmington, 1546; will of Richard Pettyver of Warmington, 1539; Register of the Guild of Knowle.



John Petipher was born in about 1520 of Wardington, the son of Richard and Agnes Petyver. He married Anys
Leche, the daughter of Richard and Ales Leche.

John was a witness for the will of Roger Jonsun in 1547.

John was named as the executor for his father-in-
law Rychard Leche in 1548: "Also I ordere & make John Petefere my sone in lawe my solle executor to se thys my laste wylle performyd & I gyve unto hym for hys labore iijs iiijd."

John was a witness and an appraiser for the will of Thomas Archer in 1550.

In 1553, John was named as the executor for his mother-in-law Ales
Leche in 1553: " Item all the reste of my othere goodes unbequethyde I gyve unto John Pettefere my sone yn lawe whom I order & make my sole executor to se thys my last wylle performyd my dettes payd & my body honestly browght whom."

left a will in 1557.

John Petipher

Will of John Petyver of Warmington, 1557

In the name of God Amen the ix daye of Apryll the yere of our Lorde God anno dom 1557 I John Petyver of Warmyngton within the county of Warwick husbandman beying of good mynde and perfyt remembrance make this my last wyll and testament in manner and forme foloying Fyrst I bequethe my sole to Allmyghty God to the blessed mother the vyrgyn Mary and to all the company of hevyn, my bodye to be buryed within the church yerde of Warmyngton. Item I geve to the mother churche of Lechfeld ijd. Item I geve to Rychard my sone thes persselles foloyng a lede to brewe with all my corne & all my mallt myll, a gryndyng stand a eryne axe a mattocke a stone axe a long panne a dredging panne and a hand pot panne a stone hammer with a the woll my best spade my best shovyll [stain} all my tooles. Yt ys my wyll that the brothers shall occupye the toles yf they come to hym for them. Yt ys my wyll that Anys my wyffe and Richard my son occupy the house and the lands together and my sone to have the porche part paying charge for rent and represent after the rate. Last I geve to my parish churche [stain] of barley to be payd the next yere after [torn] all the rest & resedew unto Anys my wife and Richard my sone I make myne exequtores of this my last wyll and testament these being wyttnes Roberd Stanley Gyles Perkyns Thomas Petever with others more.

An inventory was created for John

The inventory of all the goodes and catelles of John Petefere of Warmyngton within the Countye of Warwyke and Dyocese of Coventrie and Lychefelld made and praysyde the first daye of Maye in the yere of lorde God as abovesaid & by John Colman Thomas Pleve

Imprimis in the hall ij tables iijs iiijd ij forms viij bordes xijd iij pannes iij pottes vjd viijd a cobord xijd ij cheyares xijd a framynynge pan a hand saw xvjd ij axe xxd vj awgeres xijd an ades ijd an hemp stock with ij other stockes a payre of potyokes with a cheyne iiijd

Item in the chamber ij coverledes ijs viijd  a featherbed vs a bolster vd a bolster xd ij wyndvijs viijd xij payre of shettes xijs v toelles iiijs iijd table clothes xijd iij bedstedes xd ij peloberes xijd iij coffares iijs on pece of pewter vjs ij canlestyckes iiijd ij spyttes a payre of cobardes xvjd ij fattes ijs viijd a corne for to grynd malt withal vs a lede to bru withal
l iijs iiijd a grynd stone xijd ij salttyng troes ijs iiij loms ij payles xxd his apparel xs

Item the crope in the feld iiijli

Item xxviij shepe iiijli in my kyne iiijli ij yerlynges xvjs an trelynge vs vij horssys for husbandrye iijli vj viijd Item an eyrnebound cart xs wod & tymber xiijs iiijd Item ij gesse and a gander xd the pultre vs v hyves with sweatt ware viijs iiijd a plow with plow geres iijs iiijd ij payre of harros ijs

Summa tabilis xxiij li vs ijd

John and Anys had the fo
llowing children:

*1. Richard, born in about 1550, married Isabella, died 1613 in Warmington.

SOURCES: Will of John Petyver of Warmington, 1557; Act Book entry for Richard Petipher; will of Rychard Leche of Warmingington, 1548; will of Ales Leche of Warmingington, 1553.


Richard Petyver was born in about 1490 of Warmington, the son of Edward and John Petyver. He married Agnes. Richard and Agnes were members of the Guild of Knowle in 1514. The Guild of Knowle was a fraternal organization associated with the church. Richard, a yeoman, and his son Richard purchased an estate in Warmington in 1572. It had been in the occupation of Richard's parents Edward and Jone.

left a will in 1539.

                  Petyver will 1539

Will of Richard Petyver of Wardington, 1539

The viijth day of May in the yere of our lorde God j l v xxxviiij
In the name off God Amen I Richard Petyvere hole of wyll & mynd & syck in body mak my testmet & last wyll on thes maner & forme. Imprimus I bequeyth my sowle to God Almyghty  besechyng Aur
L ady with all the seintes in heybyn [stain] for hytt & my body to be buryed in the church yeard off Warmyntton. Item I beqweyth to the mother chyurch iiij d. Item to my sonne Wyllm xv shepe & a cayde heifer ij pewter dysshys ij  ij xxx a keyveret a peyre of sheteys a pott & a pann. Item to John the younger xv shepe vij sweyne vij heyherele vij welgeres & a hakeyd kowe a pott & pann a kyverlet a peyre off sheteys. Item to Richard Peytyvere on ewe. Item to the chyrch off Warmyngton a shepe I wyll that my derge a masse be sayd for my sowle & all kyrsent sowleys any moneth for ye yere. Item the resydew off my godeys nott beqwest I gyff to Edward my son & Agnes my wyffe the weth I mak my executors provydeyd all may that yf my wife Agnes goe from my son Edward that she to have butt they third part of my godeys. These beyeynge wytnesse Richard Hyll Thomas [blurred] Thomas Gardner Richard Tymys

A portion of an inventory exists for Richard Petyver that inc
luded "gese & henneys", "shepe", "howshold stuffe", "corne", "bedynge", "kyne" and "bolockeys".

                  Petyver inventory

Inventory for Richard Petyver

Richard and Agnes had the fo
llowing children:

1. Richard

2. Edward

3. Wi

*4. John, (the younger), born in about 1520 of Wardington, married Anys, died 1557.

SOURCES: Warmington Heritage Group; will of Richard Pettyver of Warmington, 1539; Register of the Guild of Knowle.


Edward  Petyver was born in about 1465 of Warmington. He married Jone. Edward and Jone occupied a manor in Wardington which was later purchased by their son Richard for £63 6s 8d for the messuage, three-and-one-sixth yardlands in Wardington.

Edward and Jone had the fo
llowing children:

*1. Richard, born in about 1490 of Wardington, married Agnes, died 1539.

SOURCES: Warmington Heritage Group; will of Richard Pettyver of Warmington, 1539.