William Petipher was born in
about 1580 of Warmington, Warwickshire, England. He married the
daughter of Robert Huggins. The Warmington parish registers only began in 1635, making rsearch challenging.
William was mentioned in the will
of his widowed mother Isabella
in 1623, along with his three children,
Robert, Anne, and Mary, and his brother
In 1625 William
became ill, and a verbal will was created for him.
Will of William
Petipher of Warmington, 1625
The will was verbally dictated to
Anthony Petipher and Ezekiell Judd. William wanted to leave the care of his three
youngest children in the care of his
brother Richard. This seems to indicate
that his wife was deceased at the time.
Possibly she died in childbirth, as their
youngest son, Richard must have been
born between the time of his
grandmother's will in 1623 and William's death in 1625.
William's brother Richard
refused to care for the children, so William called for his
father-in-law Robert Huggins, but
William died
before Robert arrived.
Anthony Petipher, and Ezeckiell Judd of Warmington in the
county of Warrick, commiss to visite Wm Petipher of
Warmington aforesaid in the tyme of his sicknes
advised him the sayd Wiiam to make his last will and
testament, whereupon he aufermed he was willinge. And his
last will showld be to this effect: he would gyve unto Robt
Petipher his eldest sonne and to his heires for ever
the halfe yeard land he held in fee. And further his will
was that his land he held by lease should remayne in the
occupancy of Richard Petipher his brother to educate
and bringe up his towe daughters and Richard his
youngest sonne, and after when his sonnes and
daughters came to age then his will was that the sayd lease
should be sold, and the money to be equally devided amongst
the three young children: yf so be that his sayd brother
would undertake the charge therof. Afterwardes the sayd
Richard coming to see his sicke brother and the matter
related unto him he utterly refused to intermeddle
therewith, or with any part therof whereupon that sayd Wm
Petipher sent away a messauge for Robt Huggins his
father in lawe, but departed this lyfe before his sayd
father in law could come. Anthony Petipher parishe of Warmington Ezeckiell Judd I Richard Petipher doe herby utterly renounce to
intermedly with anything belonging to my late brother
deceased and acknowledge the premisses above written to be
the truth. In wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hande.
Richard Petipher In presenc of Samuell Huggins and John Berrye.
William and his wife (formerly Miss
Huggins) had the following children:
1. Robert
*2. Anne, born in about 1610 of Warmington; married Richard Gascoigne 8 February 1635
in Radway, Warwickshire. Anne Petipher was named as
the godchild of Simon Davis in his will of
3. Mary
4. Richard
SOURCES: Warmington parish register; Radway parish register; will of William Petipher of
Warmington, 1625; will of Isabella Petipher, widow of
Warmington, 1623.
Isabella was born in about 1550,
and was William Petipher's mother. Her
husband and William's father was
likely Richard Petipher of
Richard was an appraiser for the
will of Thomas Collyns in 1570 in
Isabella Petpher left
a will dated 1623, and was a
widow at the time.
Will of Isabella Petipher,
widow of Warmington, 1623
April the xiiij 1623
In the name of God Amen I
Isabel Petiver of Warmington
in the County of Warwick, widow,
Being sick in body but of
perfect minde and memory thankes
be to God doe make this my last
will and testament in manner and
forme following, First I commit
my soule to Almighty God
trusting to be saved by the only
merites of Jesus Christ my
redeemer. Item I bequeath my
body to be buryed in the
churchyard of Warmington. Item I
bequeath to my sonne William
Petiver one bed healing
of red and yellow culler, one
table board standing in the
parler one coffer only standing
by the said table and one
bedsteed without any furniture.
Item I give to Henry Huggins
fitie poundes in money to be
payd within one twelvemonth
after my decease. Item I doe
remit and forgive five poundes
of money which my sonne
Richard Petiver oweth me I
appoynt to my executor the rent
of my five poundes which is then
shillings at Martlemas next.
Item I give to my sonne
Richardes wife a kercheife
a nekitcher and apron a paire of
handruffes a neckcloth all of
linen. Item I give to Alce
Collins one cambricke ruffe.
Item I have given to William
Petivers eldest sone Robert
Petiver the sume of three
poundes. And to Anne Petiver
the sume of foure poundes and to
Mary ten poundes the
which sumes of money remaine in
the hand of my sonne William
Petiver. And I doe appoynt
my executor to receive theis
money to the use of the children
which is due to them by hands
from their father. Item I give
to Susane Huggins the
sume of fourteene poundes with
the rest of my howshod stuff I
give unto my sonne William
Petiver twelvepence the
rest of my goodes and chattels
movable and unmovable my debtes
and legasies and funeral being
discharged I give unto Samuell
Huggins whom I make my
sole and only executor of this
my last will and testament. I
doe appoynt Ezekiell Judd and
Henry Thomas to be the overseers
of this my will whose names are
underwritten being witnesses.
Dated the foureteenth day of
Aprill Anno Dom 1623
The wording in Isabella's
will is a little vague
about whether
Anne and Mary
were the
daughters of
but a note at the end of the
probate document in Latin
that they were. William's youngest son, Richard was
not mentioned in Isabella's
documents, and
may not have
been born yet.
Probate note for
IsabellaPetipher "William
Petifer paroche
Warmington patri nati
Roberti, Anne et Mary
Petifer of the parish of
father of Robert, Anne
and Mary Petifer
Isabella was a widow at the time of her will in 1623.
Three Petipher men left probate documents in Warmington
in the years before her death: George Petipher of
Warmington, shepherd in 1608, Richard Petipher of
Warmington in 1613, and Abel Petipher of Warmington in
1618. George had a complete will, which only mentioned
one Petipher - his brother Roger, so is eliminated as a
possibility. Abel only left an inventory and Act Book
entry. The Act Book entry mentioned his widow Margaret,
so he is eliminated as a possibility.
Richard had only an index entry and Act Book entry, but no will. His Act
Book entry mentioned his son Richard. Isabella did have
a son named Richard. Isabella's will mentioned
money, furniture and clothing in her bequests, but no land, livestock
or farm implements.
It is likely that
Richard was the eIdest son, and had received land, livestock,
and farm implements at his father's death. Isabella's bequest
were of a more personal nature, It seems likely that her
deceased husband was Richard Petipher.
Act Book entry for
Richard Petipher,
mentioning his son
It is interested to note that Isabella did not
name either of her sons, Richard or William as her
executor, but name Sumuell Huggins as the executor. The
Petiphers seem to have a close relationship
with the Huggins, and William married a Huggins girl, the
daughter of Robert Huggins.
Richard and Isabella had the following children:
1. Richard, born about 1575, married Alis, buried 17 March
1643 in Warmington.
*2. William, born about
1580, married Miss Huggins,
died 1625 in Warmington.
Warmington parish
Radway parish
will of William
Petipher of Warmington,
will of Isabella
Petipher, widow of
Warmington, 1623;
Act Book entry
for Richard
yeoman of
and Richard
his son bought
an estate from
the lord of
the manor in
1572. Richard
paid £63 6s 8d
for his
yardlands in
Warmington in
his own
The property
had formerly
been occupied
by Richard’s
parents Edward
and Jone
probably also
owned land in
Radway, for
according to
Antiquities of
the Reverend
rector of
from 1605
until his
death in 1629,
was son of
Richard of
Radway. The
Rev Anthony
Petyfer died a
wealthy man as
his will
parish register
started late,
in 1635, so
most of the
research into
the Petiphers
uses probate
records. These
are early
for members of
the Petipher
John Petyver
of Warmington, 1557 - mentioned Anys my wife and son
Rychard. This is likely
our Richard.
Pettefer of Warmington, 1547 - mentioned son Richard
Pettefer of Warmington, 1546 - mentioned wife Joan.
Edward Pettefer was a witness.
Pettyver of Warmington, 1539 - mentioned son
Richard, son Edward, son Wyllm, son John the
and wife Agnes
Petyfere and
his wife Agnes
of Warmington
were also
recorded as
members of the
of Knowle
in 1514.
Heritage Group;
of John Petipher
of Warmington,
of Jone
Petipher of
of John
Petipher of